What Happened?

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"So, you would have force to watch all your favorite movies, if I was your brother?" "Yep!" I looked at Paige confused. "You know Cage, you not a bad guy." "Wanna bet?" I said laughing. She laughed along too. "So, come on!" "Huh?" "You name?" "Excuse?" "Name and Date please?" "Oh name. It James Nelson." "Whoa, unexpected!" "What!?" "I thought it be something better." I saw Shawn walking and when he got to our way, I stopped him. "Hey, Good Luck on your match tonight, you deserve it." Then I pushed away, so he won't waste anytime getting ready. Hey, it was the Royal Rumble. he deserve it. "Thought y'all was enemies?!" "Hey, that was last year. Since I am now just someone who work backstage and a part-time wrestler, might as well get on people good sides." "Aw!" "Oh please don't think that way! I'm begging you!" I said as I go on my knees. "That's cute of you." She said as she patted my head. I got up laughing. "Really Paige, I am not cute." "Come on, anyone would be lucky to have you." "I better off as a friend." "That's kinda of true." "Hey, Cage." "Hey, Wolf, how this place holding up?" "Well, when you left, the Chaos exploded. Why did you leave?" "I was making a movie and wrestling was taking up my time. I'm back now and I loved the expression I got from the crowd. Like They was cheering for me when I interrupted Hunter and after my encounter with Rollins." "K, See ya guys." "Bye."

Kevin POV

"It's here! Finally, and we got a segment! That is better. I'm so could they played our PROMO!!! I'M SO EXCITED." "What about Rusev?" "Oh, he only where's it in entrance, he have his wrestling attire on up other, but other only take off the top and keep the pant as Ruthless is spelled downwards." "Okay!" "Guys, segment up 3 minutes." "Great." After 3 minutes we got started after the cameraman entered. "Today the day." "I know Kev." "No, Today the we cast fear on the WWE Universe. We never got what we deserve so we are going to take it out on our enemies and the entire WWE Roster." "No, we taking out who we want and I wanna take out Fandango." We started arguing. "Guys, guys, no need to fight. We are going to do what we want, but we have to put fear into people. Now, since men are hard to scare quickly, then we have to put fear over the Diva Division." "I agree!" We looked to see Destiny. "And I know the first person to scare. Paige and Alicia Fox. They act so tough! Which is annoying, like who love sweating?!!" "Well, you got a point, except for the sweating part. So, Paige, your chapter done! Let's roll." Our segment ended and went looking for Paige, since it was a part of our storyline. Paige would embark a feud with the Swat Diva-Destiny aka my girlfriend on-screen. "Hey, have you seen Paige?" "No." "You, seen Paige?" "No!" We finally got to a person who seen her. "Yea she on her way to catering." "Thanks bruh." We head there, but she wasn't there. When we turned around, Cage jumped on me. Well, the number game caught up to him. Bray got ready to Sister Abigail him into a concrete wall. "Where's Paige?" "Her Chapter over, and MINE is beginning....for her sake." Into the concrete wall, he goes sliding his face down. He left blood on the wall. "Wrong Answer buddy." We looked on the screen and saw Shawn facing off with Orton. Me, Bray, Ray waited in a room. Rusev, Lesnar, and Rollins came in the team attire. "Ready?" "Ready." "We show no Justice for it is dead, Injustice live on like a needle stuck inside a head. Our Motto." We said once and went to the stair entrance.

Shawn POV

"Parking! Shawn going for the pin!" 1..2..kick out. I was getting angry. Orton was trying to stay in but he knew the end was coming. I went to the corner and was planning to use Orton own move against. "Here we go. He is about to steal Randy's Finisher!" "Shield. Will. Anger. Torment. Swat!" The Shield re-united and go a new name and change the beginning of their theme? Wow, looking like tonight was going to be OD after all. Well, Rusev, Bray, Lesnar walked down the ramp, and Ray, Kevin, and Rollins come the crowd. They surrounded the ring. Orton stood up and was by my side. "Shawn, it's 2 against 6, can we do this?" "I hope!" They got on the ropes. I went for Ray, and they all got in the ring and attacked us both. Orton tried to leave, but was pulled in the ring, just like me. "What is this? This is not a ambushed, this is a gang beat down." "Well, Jerry, that what happens when people don't get what they deserve!" Cole said with excitement. When they was about to beat us with chairs, Sheamus, Ryback, and Reigns come running to the ring. I'm thinking, we're saved. Until, the chairs got involved. They rolled them out the ring and beat us with chairs. The match ended in a no-contest. When they was done they left through the crowd. Nikki came down to the ring. She helped me up and then slapped me with knock me down. She walked away. Laughing filled the arena. "Fear!" And They lights went off. If you seen what Stephanie McMahon was on when she was about to be forced in marriage by the Undertaker and Stone Cold Steve Austin saved her. Well, that thing she was on, we were on it. and we was on the turnbuckles on opposites ways facing each other. Could the Undertaker have done this or was this a message to WrestleMania to make the dead Streak 21-2?

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