The New High-Flyer

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I walked down the ramp with my new theme song. My face was half gold and black like Golddust. I had gloves on, each finger Gold, Black, and Red. I had a tank top on: Black. Ripped pants, I made myself. I wore Black and red combat boots. I had a new moves set and everything. I was up against Kofi Kingston. High Flyer vs. High Flyer. When he got near the ring, I went flying out the ring landing on him. I didn't want to impress the crowd, I wanted to impress this one girl. I picked Kofi and threw him the ring. I mocked him. It was a short match, I hit Trouble In Paradise out of nowhere. My theme played and I got on the top rope and I made a diamond with my hands. I jumped off and climbed out the ring. "WOO!" I slapped the fans hands as I walked up the ramp. I went backstage, being greeted by Cage and Paige. "Wow, nice look, I say." "Yea, looking bright." "Ha, ha. Well, being face comes with a price." You changed names?" "Yes and no. When I am wearing a shirt saying Ruthless, I am Kevin Blood, when I'm this I's say The Man in Paint." "Good name." "Hey, hand me that rag." I told Paige. Instead of handing it, she tossed it in my face and it landed in my hand. "So, what are y'all two now?" "Together." "For real? When?" I said in teen girl voice. "Wow, bro, where's your rainbow?" Cage laughed out, with Paige and me joining in. "Hey, where's Nikki?" "She off at a resort on Vacation." "Oh, tough luck." "Along with Brie, Eva, and Charlotte." "Wow, wish I could go." "Me too, but they having girl time." "What if she dates someone there?" Paige said snickering a little. "Then I'll beat the crap of that fool, who tried to win my girl." "Ha. So, let's go eat." "Yea, I'm starving." We went to a fancy restaurant. After that, I dropped off Paige and Cage at the hotel. I went driving around. It fun being a face. Well, we all change. I was also trying to get a job as a poet. I got text from one of Nikki friend saying she be back next week. I was so happy. Black.

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