Part 1 "Jordan"

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Okay I'm not saying that " Jordan" looks like Harry styles, but Harry is hot so um like yeee I just wanted to have a pic of him hehe. Anyways, enjoy the chapter :)))


"You'r fucking with me right?" his asks with wide eyes. I look back at my phone not understanding what the boy in the dark-green hoodie is talking about. "You can't seriously say no to a hottie like him". I look up again at the boy next to me, while I'm lifting my right leg over the other. "Well I guess he's hot, but he is a stranger you know". I say with a bit of skepticism.

The young lad next to me rolls his eyes at me. "Look Cecilia, you gotta live a little bit. He's hot and it's not like he's gonna kill you". I look back down at my phone where "Jordan, 19" had texted me "You wanna come over tonight?". I do kinda know him, but like we're not friends or anything. We actually met in an tiny accident. Not anything serious tho, I was just out practicing for my driver licenses with my mom, and Jordan kind of just popped out of no where. I promise. No injuries.

"Well..I guess I can go, but what if it gets awkward. You know I suck at talking to boys" I sight, feeling the growing anxiety for meeting Jordan. "Em, yeah I know that for sure, but just relax Ce, he is probably stressed out himself" My best friend says with a calming tone. "Fine, but if I gets awkward I will call you" I say with a strict voice. "Ans for the love of god you will answer me, I'm serious Jonah". I say turning my face to his. Jonah meets my eyes with a smile. "Yeah, yeah, sure. Whatever you say" he says with a little grin. I roll my eyes, and start packing my stuff up. And when the bell rings, me and Jonah goes into the school building before separating our ways.

Fourth period was always the worst on fridays. It's not that I don't like English, it's just that the teacher is absolutely terrible. Not only is she really bad at teaching, but she is just straight up mean.

I take a seat in the back of the classroom, waiting for the room to be filled up. Even though I know most of the students in this class, i still don't have any "friends" that I am waiting for. I never like speaking to new people. Especially when the only thing they wanna talk about is my private life. I guess it is a exiting topic for someone, but for me I just hate talking about it. I guess am kinda shy in that way, but I don't mind. I like to have one really good friend, Jonah. We have always been friends. Of course we do have other friends we hang out with from time to time, but mostly it has only been the two of us. And I really like it that way.

The rest of the school day went by quite fast. Fifth period was really chill because Jo and I had history together, and the teacher just put on a movie. I pack up my stuff while I feel a weak punch in my side. "You texted him yes right? Jordan really is a catch" I hear Jonah say with a dreamy smile by my side. "Yeah I did, and yes he is but he is also straight as I have understood'' I spit out with a tiny giggle mocking the smiley boy next to me. Jonah rolls his eyes. "Well, you never know what will happen if he sees this beauty" he says pointing to all of him. I let out a snort and start walking out of the classroom. "My house?" I ask without listening for an answer, dragging My best friend out towards the bus stop.

"You know, we wouldn't need to wait for the buss for twenty minutes everyday if it wasn't for you chickening out of getting your drivers license." I hear a sassy voice behind me while i brush of some dust of my shoulder. I know that I could have gotten my license for two years now, it's just that I haven't had the time. Or so I keep telling myself. It's not that I am afraid or anything, it's just that Everytime I have tried, I just chicken last minute because I'm stressing so bad over it. I don't really know why, I guess I just get stressed easily.

"Well, no one is stopping you from getting yours. Why can't you be my personal driver?" I spit out. Knowing real good that Jonah is too lazy for that. He hasn't even started practicing. "Why would I do that? A little bit of physical movement won't kill you hun" he says with a grin. I roll my eyes and pick up my black nike bag when the buss arrives. It's impossible to argue with Jonah, even though his arguments sucks. I guess it's not worth explaining myself I say to myself while walking inside the bus.


Hey hey! So yeah that was my first chapter, like ever. I know it's not like real good but im kinda new to this stuff so I hope you won't give me a hard time :)) haha. Anyways, I hope you like it. I know it is kinda short, but it's just I start and I will try making the next chapters longer. Sooooo welcome to my first try of an book I guess I could say ;)

Hope u like it :)))

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