Part 2 "7pm"

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"That's the ugliest pair of pants I have ever seen" Jonah spits out while judging The washed out purple clothing item that is hanging from my hand. «Come on, it's not that bad» I say while my eyes falls back on to The piece of clothing. «Not bad? Where did you Even Get that potatosack of clothing» Jonah says while he unlocks his phone. «Just this thrift store in town, I kinda like them» I mumble while putting The jeans back into my closet. «Mhm» Jonah rolls his eyes. «Hey!» I throw a pillow at him and giggle. Jonah falls back on my bed and acts like he's wounden. «Your such a baby» I say and roll my eyes.

«But seriously, it's not a formal date, I Can just wear a hoodie or something» I say while i put on my navy blue hoodie from champion. Jonah's eyes falls on my body and Looks at me with a judging look and throws his hands in The air as if he's surrending. I walk over to my bed and sit down next to my best friend. "I don't know if this is such a good idea, what if he's mean?" I ask while leaning my head on Jonah's shoulder and fiddling my fingers together. "He's a normal teen boy, not a serial killer" Jonah answers while checking his phone.

"Look, isn't he cute?" Jonah asks while showing me a picture of a curly headed boy on his phone. I nod and a smile grows on Jonah's face. "We met on Mariah's party last Friday, we hooked up" he says while blushing. My eyes lightens up. Why didn't he tell me about this? He always tells me everything. "What? Why didn't you tell me?" I ask with a sharp tone. I look back at the picture. A curly headed boy with a structured face and muscles were smiling up on us. He looks pretty good. The picture looked like it was taken on a vacation. That's cute.

"I don't know, you were too busy on the party with Eric" he mumbles for an answer. I turn to him immediately with a surprised face. "I were not! We where just talking" I say and turn away from him on the bed. "Besides, he's an asshole, we will never get back together." Jonah rises his left eyerbrow and snorts. "I've seen how he looks at you at school, maybe you don't want him back, but that poor boy is missing you hun." Jonah says and looks back at the picture of his own Crush. «No his not, I even saw him hooking up with some girl like two weeks ago" I say with a sight. "He's not even nice to me" I continue. I look over at Jo that is raising an eyebrow at me. "Yeah sure, the continuous compliments that keeps showing up on your phone says otherwise" he says with a grin. I guess he's nice giving me compliments, but that's not what I want. I mean, being told that your cute is not horrible, but i guess it depends on who's giving me the compliment.

My relationship with Eric about a year ago didn't last long. Yeah, he's good looking, but he was always talking as if my opinions didn't matter. That really tears on a person. But he was nice, but I just felt overlooked. The relationship lasted for about 3 months, so we weren't exactly married. But we had some good times, but when he decided to hook up with Mariah, I just got to see what person he really was.

We didn't have any contact for the last Months. But after me reunited at a party like a month ago, he started texting me again. And I guess it's nice that he's seeking contact again, but sometimes it's too much. Receiving compliments about my personality is nice, but sometimes he goes a little bit deeper into my privacy and start commenting on my body. That often makes me a little uncomfortable. But he probably doesn't think about in that way, and who can blame him? It's probably normal to like those compliments, but for me it's just a no-no. And how could he know that?

I stand up from my bed and feel the cold floor under me. "What's the time?" I ask suddenly being aware of the limited time I have before I'm supposed to be at Jordan's house. "Oh shit, 06:55pm" Jonah answers when he checks his phone. I am supposed to arrive around 7pm and it takes like twenty minutes with the bus. I don't wanna be too late there. I start packing up my things and run down the stairs with Jonah right behind me. I stop and turn to him before we're walking out the door. "You will answer if I call you, promise?" I say while looking at Jonah. "I promise" he answers with a grin. I give him a weak punch in his shoulder and start running to the busstation after saying goodbye.

Im wiping of my sweaty hands at my pants. I ended up just wearing black jeans from Levi's and the navy blue hoodie from champion. It's kinda my everyday style. I can anxiety grow. I don't even know why I'm so nervous. It's just a boy. But just the thought of having to keep up a conversation with a stranger I don't even know just feels so freaking scary. And the fact that we met by me Almost killing him with my car just makes everything worse. Why the heck would he even ask for my number? That's maybe the weirdest thing if this whole situation. But I don't mind. I could tell he was quite nice by the little conversation we had at the road. And funny two, that just shows how chill he takes everything. And I guess he's quite good looking. With he's dark, wavy hair. Strukturen face and green eyes, i couldn't say otherwise.

The bus drive went by quite quick. It was a five minute walk to Jordan's house, and I could just feel my heart pound even faster. I went around the corner to his neighborhood and saw these huge houses. I would say he's family were quite wealthy. I find his house with the right address and walk up to his front door. My hand kinda shaking when I start knocking. I hear footprints behind the white door and when the door gets unlocked. I hold my breath.



Whoho, second chapter is out. I hope you like it :)) I know it may be some words that I'm using wrong but I hope u still get what I mean hehe. Anyways, see u soon :)) <33

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