Chapter 7 ~ Alice Dodgeball

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A/N the picture is mikan and prez with the dodgeball.

~satomi's P.O.V~

Mikan went around class asking everyone if they wanted to meet tsubasa-sempai. "no because i wanted to talk to mr.bear." I responded. She asked Ruka but he said no too. Natsume asked what class was next and the class responded that narumi was next. He left with his gang. I decided to read since the Fukutan wasn't teaching anything.

~Mikan's P.O.V~

I went to tea with tsubasa we mostly just talked about our day so far. I explain to him about natsume always skipping class. "Tsubasa come help me carry these supplies!" Misaki-sempai says waving him over. I pet mr.bear. "You know your so cute mr.bear." I say. Right after that he punches me and i fly to another part of the woods. We then leave to meet Tsubasa. After finding him we walk towards the next class. "Oh yeah,i have a question." I say to Tsubasa. "Yea? Whats wrong?" He asks. " well i want natsume to not be angry and cheer up. How do i do that?" I ask.Walking back to class on the way there he stops and points to the star under his eye. "What is this?" He asks me. "A fashion statement!" I shout. "Wrong. Its a restraint. Its like a curse. The school doesn't want my alice to get out of control. Only a staff member can take them off. Also, if you use a lot of your alice it will shock you." Tsubasa explained swinging mr.bear in his hands. The bell rang for the next class to start." Make his anger into something fun." Tsubasa says before running off.

~Satomi's P.O.V~

Mikan came into class and started to writing 'dodgeball game!' on the board. No one was paying attention to her. I was just reading in the back next to natsume and ruka."alright class lets play dodgeball!" Mikan exclaims happily. Everyone said no beside natsume,ruka,and i we weren't paying any attention to mikan. Mikan went on dreaming about her and hotaru playing dodgeball. They stared to throw trash at her. "Didn't you hear no one wants to play ugly." natsume's friend said throwing a empty can at her. "Oh I see now!your just to scared that i will beat you." mikan says with a maniac smile.  "What did you say! Fine we will play if you lose you  have to be our slave for the day."he screamed back. "Fine if you lose you have to promise not to skip class anymore." mikan yells back. He nods. "Nastume?" he questions looking to see if he agrees. "Fine with me as long as we use this ball." he says throwing a blue ball to mikan. She caught the the ball."what is this?" mikan questions. "Ummm mikan-chan."prez says. "The game will be tomorrow. We will have nine players to a team. Got it?"Natsume said. "Fine, but i'm not gonna lose." mikan replies. "Mikan-chan can i yalk to you and satomi-chan for a minute?" prez asks. After the class we went outside to the field.  "Alice dodgeball?" mikan asks confused. Even though prez just explained it. 'Idiot.' i think. "Yeah. This ball reacts to the throwers alice ability." he expalains again. "For example if i throw it it." he says throwing it up. It expands. Mikan ducks. I just stand there bored. It goes back to normal as prez catches it. "Oh i get it its a illusion." mikan stares in wonder. "So if natsume throws it it will be a fireball." prez explains."so it's going to be a weapon?!?!?!" mikan asks in shock. "Yes. Thats why dodgeball is banned in class B." prez replies. Prez lets mikan try to throw it to prove his point. She throws it. It lands a few feet away like a regular throw. "Mikan it won't work. You have nullification alice." prez exaplins to mikan who is about to cry on the ground. "Were going to lose!" mikan says as se starts to get tears in her eyes. "I get it and i'm leaving goodnight." i say leaving. The next morning mikan went around in a disguise in the bathroom. "Very nice shoulders. Good throwing arms your perfect.will you join our dodeball team." she asks a random girl washing her hands. Her glasses and hair mustache fall down. "Mikan!" the girl says surprised. "Please join our team!We don't have enough  players!" mikan begs bowing her head.  "I'm sorry! i-i-i still wanna live!!!" the girl yells running out. Miakn kept asksing people X-ing off people who wheren't joining them. "Are people really that afraid of natsume?" mikan asked perz,anna,and nonoko. "Yeah."prez responded. "Even if natsume and the others skip class,everuone knows its wrong. Thats why anna and i will join you." nonoko said.  "Really?thank you. All that is left is hotaru." mikan said looking twords a snail house. "Invention #007:Escar-go-home. Its a fullu equipped house with gas,plumbing and an electric genorator. With its strong defensive walls,it can actas a nuclear shelter,and also protect you from meddlesome door-to-door salesman." hotaru explains. "Hotaru open up." mikan yells banging her fist on the door. "Mikan,look tothe right of the shutter. Its a money slot." prez says. "Hotaru!!!!" mikan says frustrated. "Geez." she says putting one rabbit in the slot. The price goes up to 5. "Hotaru! My precious 5 rabbits." she says putting it in. It raised to 10 rabbits. "Please,class rep i will pay you back."  mikan begs prez. She used the rest of his money. The door finally opens showing Hotaru.  "It will cost another 50 rabbits to have me on your team." Hotaru said. "Hotaru you demon." mikan says. "Hey." ruka says standing by the door. "Ruka-pyon,are you here to join my team?" mikan asks. 'No one even noticed me sitting here. Thank you kami. I have a plan on how to get ruka on mikans team." I think. I write it down on a peice of paper. I take the paper and hold it towards hotaru. Since she is the only one that noticed me. She smirks. 'She got it.' i thought. "I am just warning you, natsume is serious about winning. He has been more angry bevaude of you. Since your always smiling, even though bad things keep hapening to you." ruka expalined to mikan. "Now i definitely can't lose. I made the game so that you and natsume can smile.also, that satomi will open up to us. " mikan says proudly. Ruka blushed. "Well don't tell me i didn't warn you. " he says running off. I quickly and quietly leave the room.

"Alright all i need i four more people." mikan exlaims. Hotaru puts her hand on her shoulder. "I got a pan from someone." she wispered.

~time skip to the middle of the night~

~Ruka's P.O.V~

I woke up and went to get water. He walked out to find posters of me and giant piyo. "Ahhhhh!!!!!what are these doing here?!?!?" i screamed. 'No one can see this.' i think taking them down. They lead to the window outside. I see a faint picture outside the window. I open it to find a hologram of me and gaint piyo together swinging around. "If you don't wany this tobe a big deal you know what yo do." hotaru says with the projector. "Hotaru-chan you are the devil's incarnate." mikan say. Prez is standing next to her. I lower my head. 'I have no choice.' i think.

~The next day~

~Satomi's P.O.V~

I woke up remembering that today is the dodgeball game. Last night i had alreafy said i would join mikan's team. I got mr.bear to join. Ruka got giant piyo to join. We all lined up ad bear and giant piyo where waiting in the woods for our signal. Everyone was shocked that ruka joined our team. "Ruka why are you with them."natsune asked ruka. "Its not like I'm on their side." ruka said. "Eh i thought you were?" mikan said. "No. Especially you and your dirty tricks." he said. He walked to the corner. "I am staying here and i won't move." he said. "You guys are disqualified you don't have nine players." someone said on the otherside. "Yes we do. Come on." mikan said motioning for giant piyo and mr.bear. "ehhh that not fair!" some people exclaimed on natsume's team."you never said it had to be from class B." mikan sai. "Its. Fine i will deal with them." natsume said bluntly.  Natsume's team got the ball first. Konoko got out. Then piyo,permy and her friend,bear,anna,then prez. A few minutes later only mikan, ruka, me, natsume and his friend where left. "Thank you ruka. I kow your not a guy who doesn't try even though he was blackmailed into it. Your really a good boy ruka!" mikan exlaims. "You shouldn't be distracted!" Natsume's friend said throwing the ball af mikan. "Lookout!" Ruka said taking the hit for mikan. Ruka went to the side line. Now its only me,mikan and natsume left. Natsume got mikan out. And i got natsume out makeing our team win. "Thank you. For playing natsume. You lost but you weren't mad when you were playing thank you!" mikan says happily. "Since i am the winner i decide that natsume and his group don't have to stay in class. Plus i leave class too." i say bluntly  walking away. "Whatever." natsume says.

~Natsume's P.O.V~

'I think me and staomi could be friends. Mikan and me being friends is impossible.' i think. I get water. Ruka comes by. "You know mikan is a real idoit." I say to him. Meanwhile i didn't know that persona was watching the entire time.

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