Chapter 4

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     Everybody was talking about the new mysterious show woman of The Extraordinary Circus "Cat". Nobody had known her or her name. A lot of TEC fans travelled to London to attend the show in a side, and in another side, to meet for the first time Cat.

     Sold of tickets was out. A quarter hour before the show, the circus was plenty and completely full. While everyone was talking about Cat rumors they've heard about her, the latter was definitely nervous. Magnus was putting make-up on her face in her locker-room when she said, while the crew was also noisy, stressed and in chaos outside the room:

- Magnus, I'm afraid.

He looked at her and he realized how much really she was perturbed and scared. His usual charming confident smile disappeared and he shut for a while then he announced:

- Look, Cat, before every show, I get afraid, like you. Although I've performed 128 shows in my whole life. And this show is the 129th. Relax. Do you see on my face how much I'm scared like you?

- A... no?

- Anyway, when you start presenting the show, change that fear to excitement!

- Excitement?

- Yeah! When you turn it to excitement once you meet the spectator, start screaming while you're trying to make the excitement out. And suddenly, you'll find yourself excited and already ready to perform your show very well. That's my success' secret. Ok?

- Yes, Magnus. Thank you.

- You're welcome, love.

Abruptly, Seb got in, wearing his suit of the "showman" and his black hat. He asked his niece:

- Honey, are you ready?

- Yes, uncle.

- Good, let's go. They're waiting for you. Every person is impressed to discover who the mysterious Cat is!

     Lights were turned off, we heard a specific rhythm of clapping from the spectator. Suddenly, the red curtain was opened and the silhouette of Cat appeared. Then she walked into the center of the ring and she stopped. After that, lights were lightened on Cat. She was looking down while the spectator clapped stronger and stronger: she was wearing a brown long coat of ringmasters, black high heel shoes, tight black pants and the weird was that she cut her hair into a short hairstyle, and she was wearing also a short red skirt.

  After that, she abruptly tided her hands and people stopped making noise. Next, Cat said when she raised her head:

- Ladies and gents, welcome to the land of dreams...

The spectator clapped twice then Cat continued:

- Welcome to the city of imagination...

They clapped again, and she said:

- Welcome to the extraordinary land...

They clapped for the last time, and finally she announced:

- Welcome to The Extraordinary CIRCUS!!!

  The public stood up, screaming and clapping with joy. Cat continued yelling to attract excited public's attention:

- And now, ladies, gentlemen and dear kids, before the beginning of our unforgettable show, let us greet our showman, our ringmaster, the manager of our circus, Mr. Sebastian Smith!

  Sebastian got out of the same door his niece did. He stood next to her and welcomed his spectator, thanked their coming and appreciated their passion toward his shows and the circus world in general, and added that this and next shows would be different. Then, he said:

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