Time Reversal 15

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20th June, 2023 - Sunday

12:00. Three hours and 24 minutes left. I was ready but not prepared. 

For half of the day, my friends tried to keep my mind off of the whole, Project Earth. As each hour passed, I got more worried. I didn't know if I could do this!? All the hypothetical question never left my mind.

All of us were at the beach having a good sunny day, but when I made it home, I wanted to kill my brother. 

"Sis................I.................................have something to tell you..............."

"Alistir...............what did you do?"

"You know that red box you have in your room?"


"Well......I was playing fetch with Fifi...........................and..................................the ball flew through your opened window, and knocked it over from your vanity..........."

If it weren't for the scrunched up face, the twiddling of fingers, the high pitch voice, and his overall adorableness, I would have imploded, then exploded on him. I though everything would have been alright, but what he told me next................just broke me.

"Sis.................... that's not all"

"What did you do now!?"

"Well...........................I opened it to see if your, um................glowy rock thing was alright.....................and it.....................kinda.......................................................cracked"

All of us were left speechless. Until Lily began laughing so hard it made all of us laugh.

"Why.................why are you laughing..............aren't you mad?"

"Little bro, it's ok, I'm su-"

16th June, 2023

"At 3:25, the Sirius will shine at a point in time. Let the light heal all your wounds..." Her voice was so soft and gentle, it used to put me to sleep ever night.

Then she left me.

My mother, was gone.

I saw her in space, as the Earth rapidly started to fall apart, she used her Chrono magic and give all of us a second at life. Leaving me only with these green mysterious earrings that dangled from my ears and a hint I couldn't understand.

It was all over the-..................................WAIT A MINUTE!

"What the hell!"

"Al, why is your mom up too?! Why is she in space, AND WITHOUT A HELMET?!" Lily was speaking to me.

What had just happened? Where am I? In the Play Park? Why was I here?!


"Lily.....................I don't-"



The Earth had split right open below us. When she fell, her fingers held on for dear life. I didn't know what to do?................................................................................I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL TO DO!!


19th June, 2023 - Saturday


The...............................................................Parking lot...............................................of BBs?

What the......................We stood there...........................too confused to even think about the situation we were in. Standing in the parking lot of BBs, the same parking lot we stood in.................2 days ago, 1 day ago?! I DIDN'T KNOW! I was too confused. Dawn spoke up in the convoluted situation.

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