Memories of France

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    She woke to a kiss on her shoulder and skin against her back, his five o'clock shadow scratching her cheek.
"You awake, wife?" She blinked blearily a moment before quitting and closing her eyes once more.
"I am not, husband." She said trying bayfully to scoot away from his increasingly insistent lips, "Try again at a more reasonable hour."
At her neck now, large hand splayed across her stomach holding her close.
He chuckled behind her and she smiled, pressing her face into her pillow
"Not if I promise to leave you be for a while? Not if I promise you can sleep...after? Not even if I have the maid bring you a proper breakfast to your bed."
She ignored the promises but took in the words.
"Are you going somewhere? On our one day of honeymoon?"
He goes quiet for a second, but pulls her closer, dragging her back across the bed from where she'd escaped to.
She groans, when she finds him hard against her bottom.
"Polly came in," her ears perked at that, and she turned wide eyed to the man behind her, but froze at the sight of him.
Six years she had known Tommy Shelby, but never in her life had she seen this man before her. The morning light warming his skin like a glow, eyes bright with oceanic light instead of storming. Hair sleep-mussed and pillow swept. Light unshaven stubble darkening the hollow below his high cheeks and sharp line of his jaw.
He looked positively unkept.
And it was glorious.
He raised a brow a her obvious scrutiny, "What is it, wife?"
She opened her mouth then paused, and drew her fingers down his face. From his temple to that stubbled jaw.
He looked...happy. Or content. At the very least.
She drew him close, pressing a kiss to the calm line of his mouth.
"Nothing, my love," she whispered, watching something soften further in his eyes at the endearment, who was this man in bed with her?
She sat up a bit, and his hand drew up her hip below the duvet.
"I hope Polly didn't see anything too...."
He smirked slightly, "no, nothing...too untoward."
"Just probably my bare-breasts," she chuckled rolling her eyes.
He merely shrugged, "I can neither confirm or deny whether she saw both your bare breasts.. only that she definitely saw one. "
Lilah huffed out a laugh smacking him on the explosion tatooed on his chest. He caught her hand using it to tug her, all to easily, overtop him.
she inhaled deeply the fresh country air, leaking in through the window as she sat up on his hips, and god was he magnificent beneath her.
He'd managed a tan and come away with a light freckling across the taught skin over his lean muscled form. All broad shoulders, pecks, and narrow hips from this angle. And she drew her hands down across his warm skin from the cords of his throat to where her thighs met his abdomen.
She leaned over as he drew up catching her mouth in a kiss much less chaste then he'd woken her with. His hand tangling in her hair and she pressed her hands into his chest, Shifting further down his body to sit astride his hips.
As quick as it came, that contentment left his eyes, replace with something hungry and wanting as he stared at the two of them, naked and warm in the summer light. The sheets having cocoon them still draped over her shoulders, protecting them from the world—and unwanted Pollys.
His hands, slowly, drew up the flesh of her thighs. His finger digging firmly into the dense muscles there. Before gripping her hips and using the hollows of her hip bones to roll her along the rigid length of him between them.
Her mouth fell open, but the sigh was airy and mutual.
He continued the motion as he spoke.
"I may have to leave the house," she went to intersect but he continued, "only for a short while. Not more than and hour or two."
"And it can't wait until tomorrow?"
He sighed, and then groaned, hips jerking a bit beneath her, rubbing her just the right way.
Her thighs trembled around him.
She swallowed hard as he finally spoke, "Not from what what I've been informed."
She would have rolled her eyes, if she weren't so distracted, "And what have you been informed?"
Tommy tipped her hips up he met her eyes as he took himself in hand and pressed into her.
She canted forward gripping the headboard above him as her stomach tightened, Heat coiling in her belly at the pressure of his sudden intrusion. She felt his eyes as he rocked her, his grip firm and unwavering as he drew her back down against him, slowly setting a pace that made speaking a thought of the past.

"You realize I'm coming with you," she called, from their en-suite, brushing her hair into a suitable bun. Not bothering with curlers today.
"Lilah-" She could here the 'no' in his voice and cut him off.
"I am not your 'kept woman'," if she kept having to remind him, maybe she'd put a sign on the ceiling above their bed so he could contemplate it at night.
"-and I assure you; if you purposely leave me behind when I can help, it is not something I will forget or forgive."
She'd propped a leg on the toilet to drag up a new stalking, clasping it to her garter when she heard his footsteps on the tile.
he stopped in the doorway and she heard the click and snap of his lighter.
"You'll distract me." Her said, leaning against the door frame.
She didn't need to look up to know he had a smoke in hand, but did too take in the sight of him, undershirt half buttoned, hair still askew, suspenders hanging at his thighs, lips and cheeks still flushed from completion.
"Then look away,' she snarked, just tasting the hypocrisy on her tongue.
Again, with that baritone sigh.
Though, it had felt nice, breathless in between groans and praises against her throat only moments ago.
She pursed her lips at the thought, feeling herself flushing, and rolling her eyes at her own embarrassment.
"Tommy." She finally responsed in a similar tone; if not rivalling his in condescension.
"Not this time, alright-"
"Fine." She agreed, pausing to give him her full attention, "Give me one good reason and I'll stay behind."
He paused, and god did she revel in the moment she made him actually think.
He exhaled loudly, and she knew he didn't like the answer he had for her, before he said it, "because I asked nicely?"
Her eyes narrowed, though she didn't bother direct them his way.
"If you think you asked 'nicely', then we best have a word before we go, too." She deadpanned.


The road was bumpy on there way into the city, and she found that she was sore. Her arms, her thighs, her bits. Her jaw was tense the entire drive, and it didn't help that her husband was quietly brooding next to her.
"You could pretend to be happy to be with your wife on your honeymoon, you know," she said as they drove.
She felt his eyes snap to her face, the click of his case of cigarettes opening—for a moment, she didn't think he'd offer her one; but then she caught the glint of metal at the corner of her eyes and reached for the case.
She reached for the lighter in his pocket resting a hand on his shoulder to steady herself as she lit his and then her own. He nodded his thanks.
"You know I'm alway happy to be around you, love."
She scoffed.
"You already spouting Arthur's, husbandly one liners? He give you a spreadsheet?"
Tommy laughed, a real laugh. And they glanced at each other, and she found herself grinning despite herself.
"You know I'm just worried-"
The was a bang, one that she recognized from the wars— and hadn't heard since, and then another bang and a loud popping burst and, the car jerked and spun, Tommy cursed, and time slowed.
A thousand things happened in one moment, but there were few she'd remember, Arthur bellowed from the car behind them 'sniper'; she heard him even over the screech of the bald metal wheel against the road—they crept spinning, and then hit something, a ledge.
One of Tommy's hands left the wheel and she knew he'd lost control, as he pressed her down into the seat his large hand against her belly.
The car flipped, and there was a moment of weightlessness.
And then. Nothing.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2020 ⏰

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