1 | The Past Interferes the Present

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[present day]

"Wandaaa!" I sang in a joyful tune.

Wanda is the name of the woman who saved me that dreadful night. She happens to be the owner of this wonderful restaurant I was immediately comforted by.

Her home, our home, was upstairs above the establishment. It makes working here convenient for the both of us.

Wanda gave me a place to stay as long as I helped her out around the restaurant.

She got me on my feet but I never was able to stray away from the little in me.

Sometimes I slipped when I felt triggered about my past. Especially when my mind reiterated my father's abusive and hateful tendencies.

I've stayed adult me more often because Wanda needed me to work most days. As long as I wasn't put in a stressful situation I shouldn't fall into little space, unless I wanted to for fun.

I told Wanda about my lifestyle, at first it took her a while to understand. She's an older woman so I made sure to be patient and let her adjust at her pace.

It's the least I could do for what she's done for me.

I guess one could say she's my caretaker when I'm little, but that doesn't happen frequently. I try to stay big so I can be reliable for her sake.

"Yess y/n?" She sang in a similar tune, pushing me out my thoughs. She held a small smile while she vigorously wiped the countertops near the register.

"Are you sure you don't need help today?? I can always go to the bank another day." I frowned while massaging her bad shoulder.

The other staff isn't as reliable, often  leaving Wanda and I to do most things alone which particularly sucks when there's a lunch rush.

It leaves a huge toll on her health, however she refuses to take breaks.

"Yes hun, I should be good here. Now go before it gets too busy out." She waved her hands shooing me away in a playful manner.

"Fine but Don't forget to take breaks, I'm serious." I pointed an accusatory finger towards the older woman causing her to laugh.

"Okay y/n!" She mischievously rolled her eyes at me. "Now off you go." She uttered before going to tend to a customer.

"I'll be back later!" I smiled blowing her a kiss as I left out the door, the new bell chiming to signal my exit.

The warmth of the spring sun was covered by the thick gray clouds in the sky telling the city it would rain soon.

I hated storms, they remind me of my old home and my father.

So rambunctious yet gloomy, and terrifyingly lonely.

I shivered in my skin before continuing my walk down the street ignoring the clouds that started to move right over my head. I would definitely get caught in the storm.

I held my purse closer to me, walking faster in hopes that I wouldn't get drenched by the rain.


The thunder rumbled loudly from outside the bank. The large windows showing a clear view of the stormy weather that was currently swallowing the earth. I was more afraid than ever.

The little in me was threatening to come out, I began biting my nails and I was almost close to sucking on my thumb. Yet, I was lucky enough to be next in line and able to become distracted from the threatening storm.

"Hi, I'm here to deposit my check." I told the secretary.

"May I see your ID ma'am?" The women said in such a proper tone obviously good at her job. I nodded handing her my ID.

As soon as she took the small card from my hands the thunder shook the building making me flinch with a squeal that caught some people's attention.

Embarrassed at my uncontrollable actions I apologized to the people around me quietly waiting, "I'm sorry." I bowed.

"Can you sign this ma'am." The lady said after typing a few things on the computer. My shaky hands took the pen and signed the paper she handed me.

A responsible adult would've read before signing anything but my main focus was getting out this storm.

A normal adult wouldn't feel anxiety because of a minuscule storm.

But I wasn't normal, my little space seemed to always consume me and I can't control it when it comes to things like this.

I'm constantly being tempted into returning to my safe haven; my little space.

When children come in the restaurant with their stuffed animals and coloring pages I feel immense jealousy.

Not because they get to do fun activities but because they have someone that will permanently take care of them.

I always hope that my set up with Wanda is permanent, but she told me that she want's me to venture out and experience what life has to offer.

And every time, I think that life is too scary to venture alone.

Shaking my many thoughts, I thanked the secretary with a smile and began heading towards the exit.

I was confident and relieved that I had escape the building, I almost escaped my little space.

But the worst happened.

"NOBODY MOVE OR I WILL SHOOT!!" A round man shouted in the bank waving his firearm at everyone in sight. He wasn't alone, a slime woman stood behind him defending his rear.

They both had on ski masks hiding their identities making the situation more petrifying.

I couldn't tell their identity but it's oddly familiar to my old life.

Even the mans voice sounded exactly like my fathers. His voice holding the same evil intentions as my father when he'd abuse me until I bled and bruised.

I punched at my skin feeling like I was bruising and bleeding all over again.

My entire body shook in fear, that man is my father and he was here to take revenge on me for leaving.

He was going to kill me, just as I thought I was finally worthy of living.

I backed up against a wall hearing other people cry in fear and duck down cowering away.

I found myself coping with the situation, but I never wanted to return to this reality.

[no one's pov]

Y/n imitated those around her, she covered her head as she sobbed in the corner making herself as small as possible.

The mind she thought was her's drifted into little space becoming another version of herself to deal with the pain.

Tears streamed down y/n's face as she held onto her wobbly knees, tiny barely audible sobs able to escape her mouth.

All the commotion that went on around her was being blocked in hopes that she could just disappear.

Someone help me...
Someone help me...

"GIVE ME ALL THE MONEY!!" The robber shouted once more as the secretaries searched the back for all the money they could scavenge up.

No one dared to stop the intruders because they were armed with such lethal firearms. Only an idiot would try and play hero in this situation.

However, there was a different kind of hero present and eyeing his damsel in distress; y/n.


hii everyone!!

I'm back with another chapter that I hope you enjoyed.

I just want to let you know that you aren't alone <3 my dm's are open.

I hope to see you in the next chapter hehe

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