the box

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The sound of metal clanging jolted me awake. I looked around to realize I was in a box that was moving. "An elevator," a voice in the back of my head said. I racked my brain trying to remember what an elevator was, but then I came to the realization that I couldn't remember anything. It occurred to me that I didn't even know my name. 

The whole time I was trying to remember, the box kept moving upward. I laid down on my back and thought to myself, "Either the box will reach where it's going, or I'll die here." And with that thought I closed my eyes.


I woke up to the sound of clanging metal for a second time that day. Red lights started flashing and alarms started blaring. "Well looks like I'm not dying today, yet." 

The box stopped moving and a hatch above it opened up. I had to block my face from the glaring brightness of the sun. Above me I heard murmurs from a few voices. 

"Bloody hell it's a girl."

"Does that mean more girls are gonna come?"

"Finally, someone I can gossip with!" That comment was followed by a whacking sound and a groan.

"Ow Newt! What the shuck was that for shank?"

"Will one of you slintheads just get down there and help her up?" 

"I got it Nick," someone replied. I opened my eyes when I felt someone jump down into the box with me. 

"Day one, Greenie. Rise and shine." The guy that offered me his hand had dark skin, definitely darker than mine, and a shaved head. 

"The name's Alby, now do you want to stay in this box all day or do you want to see the glade?", I took his hand and he pulled me up from my sitting position and then gave me a boost out of the box. I looked at the group surrounding the box and saw that there were five boys. Six, counting Alby. An Asian looking boy turned to a boy with eyebrows that looked like they would fly off his face any minute, and smirked.

"Gally, I bet you're super glad you aren't the greenie anymore."

"Shut it schuckface," the one I now knew as Gally said. 

"What's a greenie?" I asked the Asian boy.

"You, greenbean."  

"Okay, well how come I can't remember my name?"

"You'll remember that with time, and it's because the bloody Creators wiped our memories before putting us in this shuck place," a blonde with an accent said.


Ten minutes later I was getting a tour around the "glade". The guys giving me the tour were Alby and a guy named Nick, who I learned was like the leader. They explained every thing that goes on in the glade, from our jobs, to where we sleep. 

They told me that before dinner they wanted me to get checked out by people called "medjacks", not to sure what those are though. When I entered the building that they led me to, I realized that they must deal with sick and hurt gladers.

The medjacks and introduced themselves as Jeff and Clint. When I walked in they were dealing with someone else, a "builder" who dropped a hammer on his foot. When I looked to see if it was one of the boys that I knew, I realized it was Gally. 

Clint asked me if I could get some ice from the freezer and I complied. When I was scooping the ice into a bag from the freezer on top of the fridge, I dropped a piece. I reached down to get it but when I stood back up I hit my head on the freezer door. My vision went spotty for a few seconds but then I was fine. 

Jeff must've noticed I bumped my head, "Hey are you okay, girl?"


"What?" Jeff replied back.

"My names Cassandra."

"That's great," Jeff exclaimed.

I shook my head, "No it's not. I hate that name. Quick, come up with a nickname I can use!"

"Uhhh, how about Andy? Sandra? Cassie?"

"Cassie! That's the one!"

"Perfect, I'll go tell Clint you remembered your name.", Jeff smiled. 

"Wait, don't. I want to tell everyone at the party later."

"Okay and while we're giving you a check up, let's make sure you didn't just give yourself a concussion.", I nodded.


Later that night I was standing at the party watching the fire when Minho came up behind me and slapped my shoulder.

"Come dance with me greenie. It's your party, you should be having fun."

"It's Cassie, not greenie. And I'll only dance with you if you get a couple drinks in me first," I replied.

"What you remembered your name? That's awesome!" Minho exclaimed as he picked me up and spun me.

As Minho set me down the rest of the boys gathered around to congratulate me, and I couldn't help but think that I'd like it here.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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