Author's Note:

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Author's Note:

Well, hello, people! So, I decided to write the story from scratch! Of course, I'll use again lots of pieces from the old text and I'm hoping that I'll manage to fill in blanks and correct inaccuracies throughout the story! Some of you might know that this was my very first fan fiction (except another one, which was really short-lived and luckily for the fan fiction world never posted online) so I experimented. Oh, trust me, I experimented a lot. Red Moon and its sequel Northern Lights (which will also be rewritten when the time comes) were my little beloved guinea pigs, as some of you may have noticed. The rest... You're lucky if you didn't read enough of them to figure it out, take my word for that!

And I'm getting sidetracked and discrediting my own story... Way to go, Nessie! Yay!

Anyhoo! I'll do my best to improve the story! I owe it to both you and my characters!

Once again, I have to thank my wonderful beta, Wendy D, who agreed to edit Red Moon once again and put up with me as I start Eshe's story all over again!

Also, just to be on the safe side, if you're new to the fan fiction world: a) I am writing in italics everything that is thought and b) any mental dialogues will appear in italics and in this form: 'Quote '

I've created PDF files, so if anyone thinks it's easier to read them like that, they can just ask me to send them via email!

Every now and then, you might encounter dialogues in languages other than English. I'll be putting in parentheses the English translation right next to the original, since my beta pointed out things get complicated when a reader has to scroll down to read the translation, then scroll back up to read the rest of the chapter... Anyway.

Oh and a last thing, since I always forget to write disclaimers for my fan fics. Twilight and all the characters from the saga belong to Stephenie Meyer, I have no profit by this fan fiction, the original characters belong to me and may not be used without my permission, yada, yada, yada!

I think I covered everything now! I hope that you'll enjoy the story and leave me your thoughts! They always matter, even if they're the tiniest of comments! (Although we all know how authors love long comments! *grins*) Constructive critisism is highly appreciated as long as it stays constructive. No flaming please!



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