~Chapter 6~

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(Y/n)'s POV
"Hey, guys!"

I exclaim happily as I walked towards the newly formed boy band, since that happened they've gotten even more attention from the media and even formed a fanbase, all within 24 hours of the news being announced. I just know these guys will make it big in the music industry considering they're already doing so well for themselves so early into their career.

All five heads turned to look at me, their eyes were wide and mouths slightly agape.

"Wow" Louis mumbled under his breath.

I raise an eyebrow, feeling my cheeks heat up from their stares. "What? Am I overdressed?"

They all shook their heads at the same time.

"Not at all, love. You look stunning" Louis spoke softly, a gentle yet charming smile spreading across his face.

That caused my cheeks to heat up more. "T-Thanks, Louis. You all look great too"

"I always look great" Zayn spoke in a playful cocky tone causing everyone to chuckle.

"Can't argue with that" Liam chuckled, patting Zayn's shoulder.

"Shall we go inside?" Harry asked, gesturing to the door of the club.

"Hell yeah!" Niall exclaimed excitedly, being the first one to rush into the bar. I couldn't help but chuckle at that. Guess the Irish do love their alcohol. (We do, we really do)

The rest of us follow behind, of course not as fast as Niall though. My eyes scanned over the crowded club, this place had a great atmosphere and everyone looks like they're enjoying themselves. We made our way over to the crowded bar and patiently waited to be served.

"First round's on me guys, we're starting with shots" Harry exclaimed over the booming music with a mischievous grin.

No one seemed to object though, we were all planning to let loose and have some fun.

Louis handed me my shot with a smile, he then poured some salt onto the back of my hand as he had a lime ready.


I nod and lick the salt off of my hand then swallowed the shot before grabbing the lime quickly and sucked on it. My face twisting up at all the flavours combining.

Louis laughed softly and shook his head. "You look like you enjoyed that" he teased playfully.

I roll my eyes playfully. "Haha very funny, it's been a while since I've had tequila"

Louis chuckled. "Well something tells me we'll be having a lot more where that came from where Harry is concerned"

I nod in agreement then ordered myself a drink, purple haze which is a shot of red aftershock and blue WKD. (It's sooooo good!)

It wasn't long before I finished that drink and got another one. I look to the dance floor and giggle seeing Niall going all out with his dance moves, some girls were really into it though.

"Wanna dance?"

I turn my head and smile at Louis nodding. "I'd love to"

He smiled and took my hand, leading me out to the dance floor to join the others. I grin and dance along with them, having a really good time.

After a few more drinks my vision began to blur as my head got light, I knew I was drunk at this point. I suddenly feel something pressing into me from behind. I raise an eyebrow and look behind me, seeing a guy I didn't recognise.

He was drunk, drunker than I was. He had a drink in one hand while his other hand manoeuvred to rest on my waist. I felt extremely awkward and uncomfortable.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2020 ⏰

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