Rain pour down hard from the dark sky...
Half of the death-eaters headed to Knockturn alley and the other half headed to the dark forest, waiting for the signal to attack.
Sakura quickly search for Naruto and saw him standing at the distance.
She quickly approached him and grab his arm, dragging him away from their friends.Naruto looked to her with worried eyes
"Is there something wrong?"
He put his hands to her face
"Don't tell me, you don't want to pla-""Wrong Idiot!"
She glared at him"Then What? Why did you bring me here?"
"It's about this"
Sakura slowly pulled the chain necklace that was hidden to her Quidditch uniform.
"This necklace have the same designs with Uchiha and yours! But the different was my pendant have a blood-red color"Naruto gaped
"Where do you find that?!"
He quickly grab the pendant of Sakura's necklace and examine it.
Naruto exclaimed happily"Yeah... it's pretty weird especially only the three of us have this necklace!"
Sakura smiled
"Maybe it's a lucky charm for us Sanins""That's great!"
Naruto grinned
"I'm so happy that you finally have your necklace!"...
Oh... if you only knew that those necklace will destroy you
A smirk formed to her lips as she stared at her magical mirror....
"Naruto, Sakura!"
Kiba called to them"Go to your postions"
Temari sighedNaruto quickly went to the front dragging Sakura with him. Temari and Kankoru followed behind and lastly, Kiba, Gaara and Omoi.
Sakura felt her heart beat accelerated
Many students are out there watching us
She gulped"Scared Sakura?"
Kiba asked behind herSakura took a deep breath before answering the Inuzuka
"A little""That's all right, I felt the same before my first game!"
Kiba laughed"W-What happened?"
She glance behind her, looking to Kiba curiously.Kiba smiled sheepishly while scratching the back of his head.
"I... uh... I-I don't really remember"All the players raised one of their brows except Sakura.
Temari smirked while Gaara sighed and the others snickered except Sakura, who was more confused at them."What happened to Kiba?"
Sakura repeated her question
What's so funny?"His head was hit by a bludger"
Temari sighedSakura gasped in shock
Ouch! That will totally hurt!"And woke up to the hospital a week later"
Naruto added, containing his laugh"Shut up"
Kiba glared to them
"Don't act as if you didn't panick and worry about me those days"Sakura was about to speak but the door swinged open.
The sky was dark, almost look like night because of the bad weather.
Hard rain pour down with the wind that made their hairs flew upwards.
She frozed as she saw the people...
The headmaster, the professors and students in every houses.

Legendary Blood
FanfictionA simple girl, living in a simple life... BUT one day, a weird mark appeared in her forhead. She told her parents about it and she expect them to be surprised BUT their reactions are way too different and opposite than she expected. It seems like th...