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"Put this on!"
She instructed as she handed me a black helmet, while she wore the other one.
"And let's fly!"
She grinned as she ride on her black motorcycle.

Is she crazy or something?!
I stared at her incredulously
"We're gonna fly?"

She smirked
"Now hurry up!"

I quickly put on the helmet and ride behind her.

"Hold tight, little girl!"
She said
"It's gonna be a flashy sky high ride!"

I wasted no time and quickly hugged her waist.
Afraid of what might happen if I don't obey.
I hope I won't die!
I closed my eyes

"Hey, Relax"
She said as she felt me tense up

"R-Right... I'll t-try"
I stuttered a bit and slowly opened my eyes.

"That's more like it!"
She grinned
And with that, she turned her motorcycle on. In the blink of eye, we are off on the ground.
I let out a small squeak and stared below me. The houses became more smaller as we lift higher on the sky. Then, suddenly she sped up.
I screamed in the top of my lungs as my eyes widened. I gulped while I tighten the hold around her waist.
Anko notice this and giggled.
"Don't worry, little girl!"

"How can we supposed to find this things?"
I said as I stared at list...
A cauldron? Why do we need a cauldron?!
Did this means we have to cook our own food there?!
I paled
Oh great! I don't even know how to cook!

"Oh shush! Let's go!"
Miss Anko just smirked as she grab my hands and dragged me to a store that I haven't seen before. I just followed her silently.
We entered and I saw many people, talking as music filled the air.

"Oh, Anko... you will get as usual?"
A man that look like a bartender asked and about to grab a glass but stopped as Anko said so.

"No, I have some serious Hogwarts business to do!"
She grinned
"I have to escort this girl!"
And with that, she dragged me again and went to a room.
We came face to face with a brick wall.
"We will go there?"
I pointed the wall.

She just nodded pointed a certain spots to the brick wall with a stick?! and suddenly it moved.

My eyes widened in surprise
I said in awe
"How come a stick can move a brick?!"

She turned to me and smirked
"Oh no, this isn't no ordinary stick girl"
She said as she waved the stick on her hand
"It's a wand"


"Yup, and you will have your own as we enter here... Welcome to Diagon Alley!"
Anko smirked
"We're gonna buy all of your requirements here!"


"Second to the last on the list... is the wand"
I said

"Wand you say, come!"
Anko dragged me to other shop.

We enter the shop and saw many small boxes and a man climbing a lader, arranging some boxes.
"Hey you, Yakushi!"
Anko grinned

"Oh, if I'm not mistaken... Mitarashi?"
The man quickly jump down
"You really have grown up... Anko... time flies so fast right?"
He smirked
"... Anko or should I say professor Anko"

"Oh sush Kabuto!... I prefere Anko!"
Anko winked at him

"Or Mrs. Yakushi?"
Kabuto suggested and smirked as he saw her reaction.

Anko widened her eyes as her ears turn to red.
"S-Shut up! It was 5 years ago and you still think of that?"

"Think of what?"
I was confused
Is this two a couple or something?

"Don't you dare!"
Anko glared at guy

Kabuto just snorted, ignoring Anko
"You know, this girl here was my former classmate in hogwarts and housemate in slytherin house 5 years ago."
Kabuto pointed
"And it happen, that this... girl... have a crush on me!"
He smirked

"Shut up kabuto that's 5 years ago!"
Anko snapped

"Slytherin house?"
I asked
"What's that?"

"Ohhh, you will know that soon, girl!"
Kabuto sighed
"So... what can I help you?"
He raised one of his eyebrows
"Don't tell me... you broke the tip of your wand again?"

Anko laughed
"I need a new wand for this girl"
She smiled and pointed me.

Kabuto scratched the back of his head and adjust his glasses.
Then his eyes widened as he stared at me.


This girl....
I can sense the blood of one of the three... and I'm not shure who...
but I am one hundred percent shure that she have the blood...
Kabuto examined the girl infront of him
"May I know your name?"

"S-Sakura... Sakura Haruno"
The girl answered

"Oi! Stop that, you may creep her out!"
Anko's voice snapped him to reality

"Oh sorry"
He sighed and quickly grab some boxes.
"Here... try this"
He opened one box and handed the wand to Sakura.

The girl stared at it confusedly

"Give it a wave!"
Anko laughed at her reaction

Sakura followed and suddenly the clock beside them broke.
She jumped and quickly put the wand down.

"Wrong wand!"
Kabuto exclaimed and open another boxes.

Minutes pass
Sakura didn't find the right wand yet.

"Wait... Let me try something"
Kabuto said and walk away.
He went to deeper section of wands and grab the box that was lying in top.
Cobwebs was covered around the box and he quickly wiped it. Then he walk back to the two.
"Here... try this"
He handed another box to Sakura.

The pinkette opened it and slowly picked the wand. She silently prayed that this was the right wand because she didn't want to break more of Kabuto's things.
Suddenly the a burst of wind appeared as she held the wand higher.
"What's happening?!"
She panicked

"Calm down! It just nothing"
Anko grinned at the frightened girl.

Sakura took a deep breath and suddenly the wand started to glow.

"Just as I expected!"
Kabuto exclaimed
"The wand choose you... "
Then he saw a small violet diamond mark appeared on her forehead that shocked him more.
"... and it happened that... the sister of this wand gave you that... mark"
He pointed her forehead

The diamond mark? Wait WHAT!
"It appeared?!"
Sakura touched her forehead in shock

Anko and kabuto said in unison as they examine her diamond mark.

Sakura sighed and decided to ask something.
"Who owned the... other wand?"
She asked in curiosity

This made Anko smile in realization
Oh so that's why SHE send me to get Sakura than other people... because this girl... is somewhat...
SPECIAL to her.
"You will meet her at hogwarts, girl"
Anko smiled as she ruffled her pink hair.
And slowly the diamond mark disappeared.

"Now let's get going, we still have to choose you a pet"
She dragged Sakura, then looked back to Kabuto.
"Thanks Kabuto!"
She grinned and walk out.

"Anything Anko"
Kabuto smiled
Then he smirked as he remembered the girl earlier.
First, the boy who live... now is this girl who have the blood of one of the three.
Mmmm.... Hogwarts is getting more interesting! Such a coincidence!

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