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       It was around ten thirty when everyone had met up at the abandon building by the train tracks. Harper was leaning on Sweet Pea, who had a wide grin on his lips staring at their intertwined hands — which did not go unnoticed by the rest of the group. Once Kevin and Cheryl showed up, the former of the two immediately went to talk to Fangs after saying hello everyone. Toni and Cheryl were sitting on an abandoned couch that was lying around, and chatting with Fangs, Kevin, Harper, and Sweet Pea.

       "So, Harp, what are we going to do? There are usually drinks." Fangs turned to girl in question with a raised eyebrow.

       "Well obviously we have to get drinks. It wouldn't be as thrilling without them." Cheryl spoke out.

       "We could go to a store and get some?" Toni suggested a smirk tugging at her lips.

       "We're underage and were not about to have a 'MA' situation tonight." Kevin replies shaking his head.

       "Who said we were gonna get them that way, Kev? Besides knowing all of us, we'd steal before asking an adult in this shithole of a town to buy us drinks." Harper said with a smile.

       "We could always go to that one shady place on Ellington, they don't give a shit about who buys what." Sweet Pea told the rest of the group who nodded at his idea.

       "Then why are we standing here? Let's goooo!" Fangs shouts dragging out the last vowel in a dramatic manner.

       "Wait. We don't have a plan on getting there. We could walk, take Kevin's car, or all ride on the back of each of your guy's bikes?" Harper told the whole group.

       "They could just leave the bikes here. It would be easier to take my car, but one of you would have to sit in someone's lap." Kevin explained.

       "Well... I call shotgun!" Fangs turned and began to run to Kevin's truck.

       "It's not even unlocked yet!" Kevin ran after the boy.

       The four left turned to each other, "Harper could sit on your lap Sweet Pea, right?" Cheryl quickly said, raising who eyebrow at Sweet Pea as if daring him to decline the suggestion.

       "Uhm- no, yeah. She could." He was so glad it was dark, so they couldn't see the slight redness on his face, "As long as you are comfortable with that." He turned to Harper.

       "I'm fine with that." She smiled up at the taller boy. It's not like they haven't been that close before — they've cuddled many times during their movie marathons — yet the idea still gives Harper butterflies.

       Kevin beeped the horn and the rest of the group ran to the truck jumping in the backseat. Harper made herself comfortable on Sweet Pea's lap with flushed cheeks.

       The group arrived at the shady store and ran inside laughing. Cheryl, Harper, and Toni ran to liquor section and began picking out their favorite alcoholic beverages. While Fangs, Sweet Pea, and Kevin went and grabbed the snacks.

       "Don't forget the beer!" Fangs shouted to the girls.

       "We got it baby! Don't worry!" Harper yelled back.

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