|Chapter 1| Shortie

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A/N: Okay, here is the first chapter, and this is her first day at Meadows University, also when she is talking to herself are underlined and in bold

      Ashton's POV

        I take a deep breath, open my eyes and exhale. My eyes subconsciously blink two times, adjusting to the light. It's okay, no one is going to know who you are...  I reassure myself. I look around, where's my tour guide? My gaze stops on a girl, who by the looks of it is my age, she has wavy brown locks, and blue eyes. I slowly make my way over, but bump into a slut. Makeup, was all over her face, and super short clothes, I'm surprised she hasn't been dress coded. She scrunches her face as she saw me, "Watch where you're going, stupid." Her squeaky voice calls. I choke on my laugh.

     She brushes off invisible dust, a trudged along. Though the words she said struck home, I ignored her, it's okay... She probably in a bad mood. I get up, brushing off visible dust, since I was the one who fell. I look around to see a couple of eyes on my body, I twitch my nose, and stick my tongue out at them. The two boys turn away in embarrassment of being caught staring. I turn back to the girl, who is now talking to my best friends brother. I walk over and call out, "Hey Jaxson." A small grin appears on his face when he notices me. "Hey 'Shortie'." He replies. I made my way to his side and cross my arms over my magenta sweater. "Can't I just get a break from nicknames, for once." I retort, before adding" Jax in the box." He rolls his eyes, and puts his hands in his pockets. "Jax in the box,"The girl muses, a small smirk crossing her face. She sticks her hand out, at me,"Billie, you?" I grin and grasp her hand. "Ashton."

     I close the space in between us and whisper in her ear. She raises her eyebrows at my statement, and I wink back. All the sudden we start giggling, Jax looks at us confused. "What?" He asks. "Oh, nothing." I said, "We better get to our first period." Billie adds on. I hook my elbow with her, as we walk away. "Bye, girls." Jaxson calls. "Bye, Jax-o-weenie!" She replies over her shoulder. His face erupts into a mix of pink and red. "ASHTON!!" He screeches. "Let's go." I mutter and drag Billie and me to our first class.

A/N: If you didn't get it, Hall-o-ween, and they changed it up to Jax-o-weenie, I'm not sure why I did that but... I think it's funny. Now onto the story-

    "Okay, class I need you to imagen..." Mr. Butroot 's (Bue-troot) speech, "Ashton Spark, please come to the secretary's office." My life saver! "Miss Ashton, you are dismissed." A goofy grin spread over my face as I saw many jealous looks staring at me as I left class, yes! I hate Social Studies!  Now where is the secretary's office. I thought sheepishly, I walk down a corridor and take a left, maybe this is the secretary's office. I open a door, and see the back of a hot and shirtless boy, Shit! I slam the door and round a corner, sit with my butt on the ground and my head in my hands. I peek around to see the same boy looking around for whoever made that noise. I pull my head back, and try to steady my breathing. I hear the click of the door shut, I got up and searched for the secretary's office once more, but more carefully.

    A few moments later I finally find the secretary's office, I open the door, and a beautiful redhead smiles at me, "Hello welcome to the office, what can I do for you?" Umm what am I actually here for... "Umm, I here... Because the person on the loud speaker... Asked me to come to the secretary's office..." Her eyes brighten when I answer her question. "Ah, so you must be the transfor, Ashton Spark? Am I correct?" 

    "Mhm." Is all I could mange, before a click, and the door opening, and the same guy from the locker rooms walks in. I turn my head to shield the blush and embarrassment, when the image  of him shirtless pops in my thought space. But he is so damn hot! My mind protests. Just shut it 'mind', I turn my attention to the secretary who began to talk. "Okay, so Orion, give Miss Ashton a tour of the school, because she is new." A small smile crosses his face, he gives the secretary a curt nod, before opening the door, "Ladies first." He gestures with his hand at the hallway. A gentleman, and a hot one! A double package.  I walk to the door, I swiftly turn around. I say goodbye to the secretary, and head out, with Orion at my heels. 

" Okay so, where do you want to go first, 'Shortie'?" Hmm, where do I want to go to? "I-I would like... Wait a minute, 'Shortie'?! I'm not short!!" I cross my arms over my mid section, Why does everyone call me shortie, I'm not even short! Everyone is just tall! I hear his soft chuckles, and I can feel my face heat up. "I-I um-m, gym!" I turn to gaze upon a very confused expression, "Gym it is then." His husky voice, and warm breath hover over my skin. He gently grabs my wrist, to drag me to the gym, but as his skin meets mine, sparks drift from my wrist to my forearm, and I relax. I feel more sparks as his hand grazes my chin, and tilting it up, to meet his face. He utter's one word that could change my life, "Mate?"

A/N: Okay, that is the first chapter I hope you enjoy, the next chapter is going to be in Orion's POV, and he will be talking to his wolf, because he has transformed before, hope you enjoy! :D Bye Friendies 

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