Chapter 4

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Jungkook POV:

"Hey Jungkook, I think we need to talk..."

She sent me her address and I went to her house. I pressed the door bell, revealing a worried y/n. "Come in and sit. I'm gonna get you some tea." She said before going into the kitchen.

After a while, she came out with two cups of tea on a tray. "Thank you. What do you want to talk?" I asked while having a sip of the tea. "Here..., look at this photo." She handed me an old yellowish photo.

"This little boy..." I mumbled. "It's you right?" She blurted. "Yes..." I replied quietly. "We met before at a very young age?" She glanced at me. "Do you know who's this man then?" She pointed at the man in the photo. "I don't remember. I don't think so..."

I caressed my hair, feeling frustrated. We both went silent for a while. "The girl I saw in the cafe, your friend right, may I know what's her name?" I broke the silent. "You mean Heji? What, why?" She glared at me curiously.

"The day I saw her, I think she's something else, I mean not she's special or what, but... I think she's suspicious..." My chin rested on my hand.

"Heji is my best friend. I've known her for a long time, nothing wrong with her." She chuckled. "How did you find this photo?" I asked. "I'm tidying up my room and found the wooden box with photos in it, so I started browsing through, until I saw this photo..." she replied.

"The date..." I mumbled. "Yea the date is written 20/03/2001. We both 4 years old?" She was talking but then I cut her, "No, the date.. I remember it so clearly, was the day I lost my parents." I stared at the photo blankly.

"Gosh, this is too frustrating! What actually happened to us!" Y/n stood up and wandered around the living room. "And I'm so hungry!" She yelled.

I laughed at her attitude, "Let's go eat then, we will talk about this later. By the way, can I keep this photo?" She thought for while, "Umm, yea sure, keep it, I can do nothing about it anyway."

Y/n POV:

We had lunch together at a fast food restaurant. "Food is my life." I sang happily while touching my tummy as I'm full. "You ate a lot Y/n, should we go for a walk?" He suggested. "Sure!"

We strolled along the street, we walked into a park and sat on a bench, looking at the children's playing happily. A happy dad smile plastered on Jungkook's face.

"I don't have a childhood." Jungkook suddenly said. "The memories after my four years old birthday are blurry, can't really remember a lot of stuffs." Though he had a smile on his face, I knew that was a sad one.

"It's okay Jungkook. Me either. I don't know what happened between us but... I'm sure one day we can find the answers. Sometimes memories couldn't be forgotten, it's just we have failed to recall them." I smiled.

We didn't say anything more, the silent this time was comfortable, wind breeze passed through us and we just looked at those kids peacefully.

All of a sudden, a man grabbed away one of those kids, I thought it may be their father, but the child tried to get out of the man's grip, he started to shouted but the man covered his mouth.

"Jung..jungkook" I patted his shoulder. Jungkook seemed knowing what happened. "Follow them, quick Y/n." We ran after that man and saw him putting the little child into a truck.

I wanted to go towards them but then Jungkook stopped me. "No, Y/n, it's too dangerous." I looked at him with a what-the-hell face. "That boy just kidnapped by a man! Should we call the police..."

I saw Jungkook searching something on his phone. "What..The heck?" He mumbled. "Why Jungkook?" I asked. "There's some words on that truck and it's written 'IEO' I searched on web just to find that is..." he paused and looked at me with a worried face.

"International Experiment Organisation?" "What's... that?" I asked stuttering. "I'm not sure too, it didn't say anything more in the web but I know it's not something easy..." he then shot back his head to me.

"We are gonna go there... tomorrow." "Tomorrow?! Where? Why are we going there? Just tell the police and..." he cut me. "No Y/n, this is not as easy as you think. If you are not going with me, I'm going myself." He started leaving.

"But Jungkook..." I grabbed his wrist. He turned his head, glaring at me. I let go of his wrist, I didn't say anything more, I don't know what should I say, should I stop him or what. "Bye Y/n." Then he was out of my sight.

At night, ramen was my dinner. I was playing ramen with my fork instead of eating, my head rest on one of my hand, and stared blankly at the table. I cannot do this anymore, I cannot just let him go by himself, as I witnessed the scene so I gotta help too. I grabbed my phone and called.

"Hi Jungkook, no doubt, I'm going with you."

Umm, nothing special to say, enjoy!

-author nim

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