Chapter 22: My Inside Date

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The incident between me and Sam keeps replaying in my mind. Which i hate. It's now 9:25 am and I'm in the car. The reason for that is because Nathan is setting up a little restaurant in his house because of our date. He's taking me to Malcome's house and will pick me up once the restaurant is done with. I don't really want to go to Malcome's but i sorta have no choice. We arrive at Malcome's, so Nathan walks me to the front door. He knocks and somebody opens since i have a blindfold on i couldn't see. " Oh, hey Nat, Lind. " That was Sam's voice. Nathan pushes me softly to go in the house and i did. Nathan gives me a peck on the lips then walks out the house. Sam smashes his lips against mine and i kneeded him in the balls, take off my blindfold, and run upstairs to try and find George. I feel Sam's arms wrapped around my waist and i scream, which causes Sam to cover my mouth. I bite it but he didn't budge. He took me into his room and closed the door with his foot. He dropped me onto the floor, which scared me for my baby's sake. I glared at him. He locked the door and i screamed. Sam laugh's at me and say's " These walls and doors are hard to through, so no luck for you. " He say's in a teasing voice which makes me even madder. Sam picks me up and lays me on the bed. Sam walks to his dresser and get's a pill bottle. " What are those ? " I ask him. " Abortion pills. " He say's nonchalantly. My eye's get wide and ask " Who is that for ? ! " Sam rolls his eye's and say's " Who else is pregnant in this house. " I gulped and said " I'm not taking it." He laughs and say's " Yes you are it's either the easy or hard way. I have a feeling it will be hard since you make everything else seem that way. " I sigh and ask him " What the hell happened to ya. " He smiles and say's " Nothing. " I shake my head and say " Something has changed. " He roll his eye's and said " No, i have been this way since birth. Sneaky and a liar. The only reason i was acting all Mr. Gentleman at first was because i needed you to warm up to me. You think i noticed you after you were about to commit suicide, but no, i've known you since Malcome knew you. You were alway's so interesting to me and you still are. I had plans when i first saw you. I wanted you to have my baby, you to be married to me, you to live with me, to spend the rest of my life with ! But no i cant do that now since Nathan got in the way. But yesterday i came up with this plan, this plan for me to make you take these abortion pills and after you do that we'll make love and i'll put our baby inside you. Then you go tell Nathan during your little date that you want to break up with him to be with me. " He say's while doing a evil laugh. I look at him and say " That will never happen, " I got up and he pushed me down. I slapped him and yelled " Don't you ever put your filthy hands on me ! " He laughs and say's " Well, you certainly were'nt thinking that yesterday. Oh, you forgot well let me remind you, i kissed you you kissed back oh and i believed i caused you to moan at one point, now didn't i. I mean we could've did alot more but that damn baby is in the way. " I slapped him and he slapped me back causing me to fall. " I am tired of you putting your hands on me ! " He shouts at me. He turns around to go back to his dresser, while i used this opportunity to scoot back to the door and unlock it. Which ended up successfully. I opened the door and seen George coming down the hallway, i went out then heard running footsteps, when Sam came to the doorway he changed his face quickly. George turns towards me and ask " Is everything alright ? " I can feel Sam burning holes through the back of my head. I shake my head and say " Yes, where you off to ? " I ask trying to find a way to leave him. He say's " Well im off to go make lunch. " I smile quickly and say "Oh, can i join ? " George nods his head and say's " Sure. " I sigh in relief. Sam say's " But, Lindsay what about our game ? " He say's trying to make an excuse to get me back in that room. George say's "Well, if she wants to go with me she can, she's probably tired of being trapped in that room Sam. " I was cheering on the inside while my outsideness showed calmness. George turns to me and say's " Come on. " And start walking down the stairs. I turn toward's Sam and give him a smirk, which makes hi madder. " You'll regret this. " He say's in a low growl. Which makes me shiver. I walk down the stairs to catch up with George before anything else happens. I learned from that day on if i stay around other members of the group Sam can't do anything. Time went pass and it is now 7:35 pm. Nathan  picks me up at 8:00 pm. I'm wearing the dress i asked Malcome to buy. It's a purple long sleeve knee length dress with black stilettos. The doorbell rang which meant time. George walked me to the door, and when we opened it we seen Nathan standing there with a black tux with a black tie. "Wow." Nathan say's while staring at me. I start to feel uncomfortable. " Oh sorry. " Nathan say's while noticing my uncomfortableness. " Well you don't look so bad yourself. " I say to him and i wasn't just saying that i meant it. George chuckle's and say's " Ok, enough of the flirting, go eat your fancy dinner. " I laugh and hug George and said "Bye. " He said " Bye." back. e and Nathan walked to the car hand to hand. It took us about 15 minutes to go  back to the house. When we arrived Nathan opened the door for me. I took his hand and stepped out, when we got in the house it smelled like Vanilla, my fav scent. " Oh my gosh. It smells so good n here. " Nathan laughs and takes y blindfold off. As we walk into the kitchen roses were on the floor leading the path to the kitchen. Once i walked in i almost fainted. The kitchen table was beautiful, candle's, flowers, apple cider, delious food, and all kinds of fancy stuff. Nathan pushes my seat out for me then pushes me back in. He sit's down and say's " Coquilles St-Jacques is on the menu with a side of apple cider. " Mmh, smells good is this French ? " " Yes, yes it is my dear. " Nathan say's with a smile. I take my first bite and it was like Heaven. " Where the hell did you learn how to cook this ? " I asked Nathan shocked since im used to carry - out with him. " My mother is French, before she passed she taught me how to cook this. " Nathan say's. "Aww, can you teach me ? " i ask. " Nu-uh ." He said while shaking his head. " Why not ? " I asked whiny. " Secret recipe to the family. " He say's with a smile. " Well if you could cook this i know you can cook more dishes. " I say with a full mouth. He chuckles and say's " Only French dishes. " I nod and finish up my Coquilles St-Jacques. Nathan siles at me and say's " Well i hope your not full, i also made desert. " "Ooh ! " I think i say a little to over excited. " What is it ? " I ask. " You'll see. " He say's as he gets up and walks to the dining room. I wait till he comes and when he does he brings out some kind of cake that i know is French. " Baba au rhum. " He say's while gesturing to the cake. He cuts a piece for both of us. I take my first bite and moan. Nathan's eyebrows raised and said " Haven't heard you moan like that since we had sex. " He say's while chuckling. I smack his arm lightly. We finish up our foods and let e tell yo, i dont know about Nathan but i'm full. " Gloria ! " Nathan shouts which makes me look at him cofusingly. A women that looked around her middle 70's comes down the steps. I look at Nathan expecting a explanation. Nathan stands up and comes to e and sy's " Cre to dance ? " I smile take his hand and say " Of course." The lady i assume is Gloria starts playing the piano and singing. Nathan wraps his arms around my waist while i put mines on his shoulder's. We start swaying into the music looking into each other's eye's. Nathan say's " I love you " I smile and say " I love you too." And the night went on as a romantic one...stress free. 

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