A Lecture?, step 6

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<I just love this image...>

In the previous chapter...

(...)"Hey *groan* Satchmo." the boy scratched the dog then rubbed his back that were now in pain. The dog wagged it's tail and barked in response, licking his face. Neal laughed as he scratched the pup once more...


Peter Burke had finally arrived to his destination and bought what he needed. He promised Neal that he'd just go in and out, no where else in between and he kept it that way, driving as quickly as the law would allow him to. The man had already prepared his «speech» and was rehearsing it over and over in his mind, gripping the steering wheel in frustration. "*sigh* Why does Neal have to be so..." he searched for a fitting word. "...Neal..." he couldn't think of one.

Truth be told, the agent himself half knew that the boy probably wouldn't listen to his «rules» although it was for his own good, but that was Neal. It was basically his style of living. Sometimes he would obey and sometimes he wouldn't then Peter would have to «punish him» (pls don't think dirty...). That's just how it was. It did work to his favor... occasionally. Not always, but it did a few times... Peter loved the boy more than he would admit and both of them knew that, just how the fed knew that Neal loved him back.*

After some time, he finally made it back home and was surprised to see Diana about to knock on the door. She turned around and smiled then waved at Peter who waved back and parked the car. He exited as the woman approached him. "Hi boss." she gave him a few files that she was holding. "Hey Diana. Thank you so much. I don't know how much more whining I could take..." They both chuckled. "So how is he? I mean-" "He's okay, don't worry." the man smirked. "Yeah, just don't tell him that." she opened the door of her own car. "Wouldn't dream of it. Oh and Diana you're-" "In charge. I know" "And-" "Peter, don't worry. I'll call you. We can handle this." she smiled reassuring him. "Thanks." "You got it boss." and drove away.

The FBI agent pulled out his keys and opened the door. He wasn't that much surprised when he saw Neal sitting against the back door with Satchmo lying on his own back on the boy's legs. The ex-con was smiling at the pup scratching him behind his ear with one hand and rubbing his belly with the other. Peter softened a bit at the site as he made his appearance, settling the medicine down on the table. The blue-eyed male noticed the man and looked up to meet his eyes with a goofy smile. "Peter, you're back!" he made his iconic Caffrey smile. "And you're not where I left you..." he crossed his arms, raising his brows. The boy replied with a shrug.

"You know, usually, I would have a convincing explanation for this..." He chuckles. "No you wouldn't." the agent knitts his brows. "And neither do now." Neal finger-guns at him playfully, feeling silly and sassy. The man sighs as he facepalms and Neal's smile falters. He slowly lowers his head and looks back down at Satchmo. "Peter..." "I can't leave you alone for a second can I?" The blue-eyed male frowns. "Just let me say this!" He looks up to him pleadingly, searching for his approval.

Peter doesn't reply, just leans back a little. "I know that you're trying to do what's best for me, but I can't stand not moving anymore. You said it yourself, my cold won't magically go away..." He stopped for an effect. "But it also won't magically get worse if I at least get up from the couch!!" He raises his voice slightly as he suddenly gets up. "You don't know that Neal." The older man warns him.

Neal clenches his fists slightly (Peter notices). "You can't do this to me. You can't just..." He stops at a lack of words, but moves on. "I already have limited «freedom». For Pete's sake, I didn't break my arm?! I'm just a little sick and you're acting like I'm a toddler!" The ex- con man practically shouts, his voice breaking a bit in anger. Peter steps in front of him, putting a hand on the man's shoulder. "Don't. Touch me!" The boy slaps it away. "Calm down." He says sternly. The ex-con considers his words for a moment as his gaze falls down and his eyes soften a bit losing the fire in them. "*chuckle* I'm doing it again aren't I?" but there's no amusement in his tone.

The FBI agent nods slowly then Neal backs up to the wall/door again slowly sliding down until he's on the floor, his knees pressed to his chest and his head on them with his arms over his head. There's silence for a moment as Peter just stares down at him. 'He's been having mood swings more frequently...' he thinks to himself then slowly kneels down next to him. He lies in the same position as the boy except he's leaning against the wall. "You're right." he breaks the silence suddenly. The C.I. raises his head confused and sad.

"You can take care of yourself even though I don't fully trust you with that, but that doesn't give me the right to baby you around." then, his handler meets his eyes. "You're a grown man, but you can be childish, sometimes reckless and... you don't think of the consequences almost never..." Neal furrows his eyebrows. "but that's just who you are..." Peter laughs. The boy looks away a little flushed in embarrassment. "I understand if you wanna go home or do whatever you want. I didn't...do this... on purpose, to make fun of you or something..." Blue eyes meet brown ones again. "I did it because I care about you and your well being and if you still want me to, then I won't treat you as a child...that much..." he looks in front of himself also a bit embarrassed.

Suddenly, something weighs on his left side. Neal was leaning against him on his shoulder. "I know you do." he starts his own speech. "I'm sorry for over-reacting like that. I-I don't want to go home..." Peter was slightly surprised when he heard this, but kept listening. "I'd be even more bored and all alone..." the fed was sure that he meant both at June's and if he'd have to go to the hospital. "And I don't want to be alone. Besides..." he smiled softly closing his eyes. "I'd rather stay here. With you..." he didn't say the last part out loud and he didn't need to because the man got the message. He knew how to read in between the lines.

There was silence again, but neither of them moved. They stayed like that for a while until Neal was itching to move again so he moved forward to pet Satchmo again, just to move a little.  Peter stood up wordlessly and organized the medicines that he'd bought. Neither spoke for a while searching for the moment again, both a little uncomfortable after they had «confessed their feelings», but soon enough they would return to their usual selves and everything would be back to normal...or as normal as things were right now...


*Author's note: I wanted to include Diana too a bit. This is chapter 6.  Also, please note that the words <love> and <relationship> don't always have to be in a dating or married kind of way. They can also mean as siblings, friends, co-workers, etc. Although most people immediately think of the dating way... To me, they're relationship is bromace. Please respect my opinion and other people's as well. To me this is all bromance if you want to call it something else, I respect all opinions even if I might disagree, but don't judge other people or if you don't like the story then leave. Thank you, be nice! <3

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