Then It Gets Better, step 8

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In the previous chapter...

(...) The boy didn't even have enough time to call out the man's name as he felt himself drifting to darkness. He closed his eyes slowly as he heard his name being yelled. "NEAL!" but his fall was softened. Two hands had caught him before he made impact with the floor and that was the last thing he heard and felt before he blacked out...


Neal Caffrey was starting to wake up. His soft blue eyes fluttered open trying to adjust to the brightness of the room. He was confused when he didn't find himself at June's or at the Burke's, but in a bright white room. A hospital. He instantly tensed up and felt his heart beat a little faster. The boy hated hospitals. Not knowing why he was lying in a hospital bed, he was just about to get up when the door opened and a good looking (XD) doctor entered the room. He was slim, probably average height (a few inches shorter than Neal, if he was to stand up), with brown hair similarly styled as Neal's and bright green eyes. He  looked to be only a few years older than him.

You could tell that he was a real catch with the ladies, too. (This is the only character that I own.) "Good morning." he smiled softly at Neal. "Could you state your name for me?" he asked when he sat at the foot of the hospital bed with a clipboard in his hand, his white hospital coat flaring slightly behind him. The ex-con inched a bit further from him, suspiciously. "You first." he replied, not taking his eyes off the man. The doctor chuckled. "Alright then." he extended his hand to him. "Evan Cooper." Neal shook his hand. "Nick Halden." he replied, not trusting the doctor. "Nice try, Mr. Caffrey." Evan smirked at him.

"Agent Burke, told me everything while you... napped..." he added when he saw the C.I. tense up even more, but he relaxed a bit hearing Peter's name. "Where's Peter?" he asked. "Your handler? He'll be here shortly. I told him to wait outside while I check up on you." The doc then scribbled something on the clipboard. "You don't like hospitals, right?" Neal glanced at him. "No, not really..."  "Don't worry. Everything's okay." Evan smiled at the man. "Yeah... I know." he acknowledged, looking through the doors' small window. The doctor followed his gaze and laughed softly. Blue eyes met green.

"You know... Your, er, partner, took really good care of you. He's stayed with you the whole time, waiting for you to wake up until I told him to wait in the hall. He's really worried about you even though I told him that you'd be fine..." the man said. It was the ex-con man's turn to chuckle as he stared out the small window again, trying to spot his handler. "Yeah, he's always like that..." he smiled. "I'll let him know that you're awake." Evan stood up. "Um, mr. Cooper?" the said man turned around with a hum. "Sorry for-"  "Nah, it's okay kid." he smiled and the blue-eyed male smiled back. He opened the door and held it that way, standing half out.

"Mr. Burke." Peter's head shot up although Neal couldn't see him. "The patient has awoken and is ready to see you." the corners of Evan's lips turned into a smirk for a moment, but then into a bright smile. The agent almost jumped up, walking into the room. The doctor left them for a while, saying that he'll return later. "Hey." he greeted the boy who smiled at him softly. "Hey." he said in return. The older man sat next to him in a chair. "How are you?"  "Fine, been better, but fine..."  "You passed out."  "Really?"  "Yeah, you got me scared for a bit bud." he reached for the young one's hand giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Heh, sorry 'bout that..." he squeezed back. They gazed into each other's eyes for a moment, then simultaneously let go. "So, when can I get out of here?" Neal asked curiously, not wanting to stay any longer. "They want to leave you in for the night, just in case you decide to faint on me again." Peter smirked seeing the boy's eyes widen. He laughed and grabbed his hand again. "Don't worry, I'll be with you the whole night."  "You promise?" he asked, a bit childish, with worry in his eyes. "I promise." he squeezed tight. "Don't worry."

Just then, the doctor entered when the two broke apart as if he sensed he could enter. "Mr. Caffrey-"  "Neal's fine." he cut him off. Both were a little surprised because of that. Looks like he was comfortable enough with Evan. The man smiled. "Alright, you may call me Evan then." the ex-con nodded in return. "Neal, you're condition seems to be much better than at the beginning, judging by agent Burke's given information, but we would still like you to stay for the night." the said man nods. "I understand." "Do you?" Peter raises an eyebrow.

"It means that we don't want you to run off during the night." his partner gives him a glare. "I get it, Peter." the doctor smiles in return. "You can stay for the night if that is what you wish sir." he nods to the agent who does the same. "Thank you." Evan smiles yet again. "My pleasure." then leaves the room again. There was silence for a moment. The fed looked at the time at his watch. "It's getting late." he glanced out the window the sun about to set.

"Peter, the sun hasn't even set." the ex con chuckled. His handler smiled a bit seeing that the boy seemed more like his usual self. "I'll ask the doc about the details. Don't worry, I'm not leaving." he stood up and just as he was about to open the door, he stopped. "You don't have to stay because of me. Really..." his partner blushed in embarrassment. "I want  to stay, Neal." he retorted surprising him slightly. The C.I. didn't know how to reply so he just smiled.

Peter left the room and found Neal's doctor again. They chatted a little as Evan explained to him the proper medication for the aftermath. The agent nodded at finale and shook the man's hand. "Thank you doctor." They shared a smile then the agent returned to Neal's room with sigh of relief. He was surprised to see the young man who was claiming that it's "too early" asleep. A smiled played on his lips as he watched his partner sleep. "You're gonna be okay, buddy."



Author's note: Thought I'd cut it short sorry if it seems rushed. I wanted Neal's condition to get a little worse although I wasn't planning on him to go to the hospital (yet), but it seemed to fit well though so this is the end also I was kinda losing a bit of inspiration so I might remake this book some time in the distant future at least the sucky ending, key word: might. Vote and comment, if you liked this story! Also, add it to your reading list and share with friends if you want to support! Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed reading! Check my profile for more and my conversations/announcements for future books!

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