Chapter 5 ❀ His Friends

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"You helped me out when we dueled those scumbags earlier, so let me help you out this time!"

"Sure but how're ya gonna do it?" The chestnut brown-eyed young man seemed genuinely perplexed because not many could escape the wrath of Mr. Clown, or at least not many workers that is. You flashed Joey a mischievous grin before getting on your two feet and stuffing away the tissue that had helped subdue the bloodstream. "Simple, we're just going to make a run for it."

Ignoring Joey's confused and insecure "Haaah?!", you turned over to Otogi's cafe's manager and waved at him in order to attract the attention he had been giving his blond part-timer up until now. "I'll be borrowing the oversized puppy for a little, OK? I can see you're about to protest, but I doubt you want me to file a complaint against your little cafe, right?"

Without even waiting for the shorter, now angered man to shout out his answer, you linked arms with your dueling idol and escaped to the big fountain in the center of the plaza. "Dat was crazy!" The blond commented as he allowed himself to be led by you and easily followed your steps, referring to how he had met a girl that didn't hesitate to stand up for herself and for others no matter the circumstances. "That was nothing."

The two of you had finally reached your destination and seated yourselves at the edge of the fountain. Joey had now entirely slipped out of the Shiba Inu outfit and was revealed to be wearing a typical, almost entirely dark blue uniform which led you to ask: "Did you come here directly from school?"

"Yeh, but lemme tell ya a lil' somethin'." The dirty blond-haired young male said while using a slang that made his words almost unclear as he gestured you to come closer. You reflexively tensed up a tad and your cheeks reddened with the way Joey was waving his hand for you to lean your head closer, but you still went along with it and inclined your face so close, it was just inches away from his. "Ma school actually forbids part-time jobs."

"Dis will be our lil' secret, aight?" Once he had whispered what he needed to convey to you, he pulled away just slightly and showed you that lovely grin of his, instantly winning you over and making you nod while wearing a smile. "You can count on me!"

"The school you're from though, it's Domino High, isn't it?" You asked, using the appearance of his uniform as the most solid base of your question while helping Joey scrub the blood off of his Shiba Inu suit in the water. The dirty blond-haired young man nodded. "Yupp! Where're ya from? Actually, I don't even know ya' name!"

"Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself!" You gasped, realizing that what the male said was the truth, given how you had only stated that you were a huge fan of his without ever saying what people called you. "I'm [Name] and I go to Gammon High. You've probably heard bad rumors about that school, but I promise that I'm no delinquent!" The high school you went to was indeed infamous for its students' bad reputation, so you reflexively started worrying that telling your idol Duelist that would lead him to think ill of you as well, which was the last thing you wanted.

"Don't ya worry, there's no way someone who helps kiddos could ever be a jerk. It's surprisin' dat there's nice people who go ta dat school." Joey instantly reassured you with both words and by ruffling your hair with his dominant hand. "It's nice ta officially meet ya, [Name]!"

"The honor's totally mine! Speaking of which, does your 'signing shirts'-offer still count? Aghh hold on, I don't have any pens on me right now! Ugh, what rotten luck!" You were indeed reminded of the Brooklyn boy's suggestion which he had made earlier on and ended up trailing off topic a bit, shifting around nervously once you had realized that there was nothing you currently had that Joey could use in order to give you an autograph. "No need ta panic! Ya can just drop by tomorrow."

«I'm more of a Dog Person.» | Joey Wheeler x Reader [Yu☆Gi☆Oh!]Where stories live. Discover now