Day 16

65 4 1

~ A few hours later ~


Vergil: (Y/N), talk to me, please.


~ An hour later ~


V: I will call.


~ Thirty minutes and 47 missed calls later ~


V: (Y/N), I beg you, please talk to me.


~ An hour, 58 missed calls, and 15 voice messages later ( and still no answer ) ~


V: Dante

Dante: Hey

V: (Y/N) is not talking to me.

D: Is she still upset?

V: Possibly.

D: Oh


~ A few moments later ~


D: Verg I have something to tell ya

D: U see

D: It's about Vicky

V: The killer part is: I know. She's not real.

D: 😱


V: I was not born yesterday to not know what you're up to. And besides, the longer you tried to pretend, the more you became obvious.

D: Oh

D: I thought you said before that u were just 2 days old

V: Come again?

D: AH! Nvm

V: How did you do it?

D: Ah well Nico and I took turns playing Vicky

D: I type while Nico searches for Blake quotes then sometimes we switch roles

V: Why?

D: Aww come on Verg! U said so urself, ur not born yesterday

D: Surely u know that (Y/N) likes u

D: Maybe more than like

D: We created Vicky to push either 1 of u to confess!


~ A few awkward seconds later ~


D: Vergil?

V: Yes, and clearly your intervention has led to this situation. 

D: Hey Im sorry bro I really am

D: Verg?

V: I will not fight you this time. But, I do hope that you haven't forgotten why (Y/N) has retired from Demon hunting in the first place.

D: No

D: BUT! That's exactly why you must confess! There's just so little time left

V: And you honestly believe that she would not survive?

D: Well...

V: How shameless of you as her friend to not believe in her.

V: To think that I let this foolish farce go on...

V: ... perhaps, I was the one who's at fault.

D: Hey bro u didn't do anything wrong

D: I'll call (Y/N) or send her an apology myself

V: There's no need for that.

D: Why?

D: I feel bad here bro

D: At least me apologize to her

V: As I've said, there is no need for such action.

V: I'm here. I used the Yamato.

D: What?


~ A few dumb Dante seconds later ~




D: 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

D: How would you find her? Why did you even go there? How?!

V: Leave it to me.

V: Just do me a favor, will you?

D: Anything for my bro!

V: Just stay still in one place, do not touch anything.

V: And don't you dare breathe.

D: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

D: I didn't know youre good at jokes Verg!

D: Verg?


~ A few moments later ~


D: Ah

D: The seenzone

D: Eh whatever


~ Vergil has finally arrived at Paris! What will happen now? Will he find where SSSexy(Y/N) lives? How would she react when she sees him? And most importantly,... will Dante really take his advice and not breathe?! Find out,... on the next chapter! ~

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