A "usual" Hogwarts Day

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Hello everyone....

Before i start this chapter, i wanted to to explain some things to you. 

It is very difficult for me to manage the timeline. Because everything accurately needs to be done at the same time but the chapter would already be finished. Because i can't write that much at a time!...it is just so confusing!!! 

For example it doesn't make sense that Blaise talks with Pansy about the brake-up between Draco and her like weeks after it happened. That's why i had to put in the little sentence Pansy was saying. (That happened in a few chapters earlier.) Maybe i have to rearrange the chapters a little to make it clearer. I will make a "note Chapter" to update to you what exactly changed. The story plot will not be changed😅

Okay so enjoy this chapter!

PS: I really had no idea what to call this Chapter... If you have a better option please tell me💕💕


Wednesday Morning:

Draco arrived to breakfast 10 minutes before it ends. He was feeling very sick this morning which was getting more and more normal to him. He felt how the wolf grew stronger. It was a very frightening feeling. It felt like as if a cold wind rushed through you, taking all your energy with it. He managed to conseal with a charm some alarming signs for example the purplish bags under his eyes, The almost greyish skin tone and how his eyeballs had a reddish tone at the corners. He sat down and took a cup of his healing tea. It calmed him down but it didn't lessen what the wolf was doing to him. How could it? This was something nobody could heal. He heard it from Granger. There is no physical cure to this. A little part of him hoped that Hermione could save him. A little part of him believed what looney had said. That Hermione was the only one to help him, he knew it himself, something about her made him feel that she was the only one that could help him. He couldn't explain why but it's true. 

He just wanted to take another sip of his tea as his eyes wandered to the Gryffindor table. He saw Potter and Weasel along with... Granger. She looked happy and healthy, just as he wanted her to be. It means that the wolf hadn't done anything to her.

But then Ginny came to sit with them. He watched the scene curiously. She waved at them all and as soon as Granger noticed her presence she stood and left, not even looking at her. Draco shrugged before he then took another sip of his cup. He restrained the feeling to go after her, but he failed, he sighed and stood up. He rushed outside and looked by the entrance of the great hall in every direction. She was nowhere to be found, he thought about were she could be and made his way to were he thought she was. And how right he was. As soon as he entered the Library, he saw her sitting in a corner, reading a book. He made his way towards her and put his hands on the table leaning forward.

 He made his way towards her and put his hands on the table leaning forward

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"Granger? all alone?" he said trying to put on his smirk. she looked up from her book and shrugged before she went back reading. he sighed, that was a bad idea, he had to keep himself away from her, and not the other way around.

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