Chapter 3 -The Tower- (pt.2)

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Dana hugged herself in the corner. There was no escape. While she heard the intruder climb the wooden staircase, she clung to the idea that her siblings would be able to eat with the money the man promised.


It was her mother. The girl wrapped herself even more under her blanket, despite the heat. At that time all she felt was a dagger of ice piercing her heart.

Dana, my daughter, you are here, the mother murmured, relieved. Dana gave her a reproachful look.

It's for your own good, her mother explained, after realizing how her kid was looking at her.. With this man you will not be hungry, nor will you have to work. Also, he will give you an education that we can't offer you. You will be more than just a simple farmer.

And he'll give you a lot of money for me, added Dana feeling resentful.

Her mother looked sorry.

Do you think we'd sell you, do you think so? Many families would pay so that their daughters had this opportunity. Your siblings envy your luck, Dana. They will never see beyond this farm, this town, this region perhaps. This is a gift from God.

Dana hesitated. She felt her mother approach her, and suddenly she found herself sheltered in her arms.

Child ... my child ... the woman murmured, moved. I know you are too young to leave your house ... but if we let it pass, this opportunity may never come again.

I don't want to go, mother, Dana confessed. That man, I don't like him.

He won't hurt you, my little one. But still listen, if you cannot bear your new life and you see that you are not happy, you do not have to stay there. If you come home, we will welcome you with open arms. 

The farmer separated herself a little from her daughter and put something in her hand. Dana looked at her curiously. It was a strange metal charm with a crescent moon,in which between the edges there was a six-edged star. 

This belonged to my mother, and to my mother's mother, and so on

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This belonged to my mother, and to my mother's mother, and so on. It will protect you from all evil. So when you look at it, remember that here on this farm, I will always think of you. Take care of it.

Dana was moved by that show of affection, her mother didn't give her or her siblings gifts. She put the pendant around her neck, feeling special, she had three more sisters, but that amulet was hers, because her mother had wanted it that way.

She wouldn't remember much of what happened next. Goodbyes, the packaging of her four things ... everything was hazy as if it was a dream.

But then, the meeting with that penetrating gaze of gray eyes woke her up completely.

Are you ready, little one? he asked gently.

Dana replied with a yes, shifting the weight of her body from one leg to another over and over again.

She had a very vague idea of marriage and what it implied. Although it surprised her to not celebrate the wedding with her family, the excitement of the impending journey was starting to take hold of her.

Some of her doubts were forgotten when once in the stable, the man in the gray cloak told her that the magnificent berry mare was for her.

Dana looked at him in disbelief.

Go ahead, the visitor invited her. It's yours. Come closer, talk to her. Get to know her.

The girl approached the animal, hesitant at first, but moments later she was caressing her silky mane, whispering things to her.

She likes me, she said.

The man smiled, and Dana felt a little calmer.

You have to give her a name, only then will she be completely yours.

Dana didn't think about it much.

Moonstar she said, holding the amulet her mother gave her tightly.

The stranger nodded in agreement. Soon after, they left the stable, leading the horses outside. Dana hesitated, se had dealt with horses before, but they were for the farm work, not bred to be ridden.

Fear not, said her companion softly, guessing her thoughts Are you ready?

Dana was going to say yes, but she felt something was missing. She looked back at the farm and her family, who had gathered to say goodbye to her, and she suddenly knew what was wrong.

Kai! She thought. Where did he go? Why wasn't he with her? Obviously, Dana was not going to leave without him!

Give me a second, please, she pleaded to the visitor, very nervous. I forgot something very important.

She ran to the barn, and peeked inside.

Kai? she called in a whisper.

There was no answer. Dana nervous, looked for him everywhere, wondering what she was going to do if he didn't want to accompany her.

Kai! she yelled, not caring that they heard her.

I'm here, Dana, said her friend's voice behind her, very close.

Dana was startled, but almost burst into tears of relief.

You're leaving, he said sadly.

We're leaving, she corrected. I will not leave you here.

But I cannot...

I won't go anywhere without you, she cut in, shaking her black braids vigorously.

Kai seemed touched.

I would love to but... he began, but was interrupted by the sound of a chirp.

The barn door opened, and a tall, gray figure appeared. Dana advanced towards him.

Is something wrong? asked the visitor.

Dana clasped her hands, staring at the ground.

I just can't ... she began, but a glow of understanding appeared in the man's gaze. He looked straight where Kai was, this time there was no doubt, and said:

You can come too.

The boy's face showed a sudden expression of joy.

Say thank you to him, he said to Dana, and as she was speechless. He nudged her.

Thank you! the girl unleashed, almost without realizing it.

She didn't have much time to think about it, because soon after she was leaving the farm and her family, following the rider in the gray cloak.

Meanwhile she was trying to keep her balance on her new berry mare with Kai sitting behind her.

On the way they met Sara and her sister, who were returning from town. Dana straightened her back as much as she could and directed her gaping neighbor an arrogant look.

She felt a little better.

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