Well that was loud

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A/N: I planned to write this chapter on Monday, but I was so bored that I wrote it today. 

(Y/N) Pov:

Blake and I are going to meet up in the courtyard. Until that there is an hour left, so I was just sitting in my dorm thinking about how this evening could play out, most theory's were either a bloody slaughter or perfect no-one is hurt type of deal. 

Stacker: "Oh, (Y/N) are you going somewhere today?"

(Y/N): "If, your asking - yes"

Stacker: "Can I ask where and with who?"

(Y/N): "I'm going to a nightclub with Blake to investigate the White fang recruitment system"

Stacker: "How are you going to blend in? You have no minimalistic features" 

(Y/N): "Now I don't" *grow horns* "Now I do" *removes horns*

Stacker: "Didn't expect that"

Mike: *runs through the dorm door* "Run! Angry Goodwitch is coming! I repeat CODE RED! Angry Goodwitch!"

(Y/N): "Ight imma head out!" *jumps out the open window*

Stacker Pov:

Ok, I'm alone with an angry Goodwitch at the door. She honestly scares me more than a horde of demons. You hear knocking at the door and get ready for the worst.

Glynda: "Where are the others?"

Stacker: "They ran"

Glynda: "Great, I want to talk to you"

Stacker: "About what?"

Glynda: *blushing madly* "Do you want to go on a date with me?*

A silhouetted student walking by drinking spits it all out and looks at Glynda and you like you both are mad.

Stacker: "Yes, gladly. I heard there is a good nightclub nearby" (You see where this is going)

Glynda: "Ok, I will see you later!"

(Y/N) Pov: 

You heard that conversation and you walk back into the room and say:

"Good job Stacker, at least you will have a good day today!"

Stacker jumps hearing you behind him

Stacker: "What did you hear?!"

(Y/N): "Everything"

Stacker: "But how you jumped out the window!"

(Y/N): "I caught on the railing, because I'm not a suicide jumper"

Stacker: "Fine, but don't tell Mike about this"

Mike: "About what that you're dating Glynda?"

Stacker: "How do you know?"

Mike: "It's called hiding nearby"

Stacker: "Fine, but don't tell the school about this!"

Mike: "I don't need to tell them they heard and saw it play out"



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(Ignore the text on the bottom and top, just the picture)

Mike: "YES, SIR, DON'T PUNISH ME SIR!" He shouts in a pleading voice

Stacker: "Now remember if this happens again I might need to castrate you"

(Y/N): "Ok, it's time for me to go now. Bye!"


Blake: "Your late"

(Y/N): "Sorry had to avoid Goodwitch"

Blake: "Why is that?"

(Y/N): "She heard that I heard that she asked Stacker out on a date"

Blake: "I'm not going to question how you heard that let's go"

*Timeskip to the club*

You and Blake enter the nightclub filled with faunus. The music playing is:

In general the club was very loud and not very nice to new comers. But that's when the shit hit the fan. You saw Roman Torchwick walk up to the stage.

Roman: "Welcome everyone, new recruits please step up to the stage"

Roman was scanning the crowd and saw Blake and you standing in the corner.

Roman: "Get her, she's the traitor"

You instinctively stand in front of Blake to protect her from the others.

WF1: "Go away, you have no business here!"

(Y/N): "Oh, I do and you aren't going to hurt her"

WF2: "What are you going to do beat us all"

(Y/N): "Yes, and should I do this the bloodbath way or the cleaner way"

WF3: "You can't beat us all"

(Y/N): "Bloodbath it is"

WFC: "Open fire"

You turn around and shield Blake from the bullets, because dust bullets are too weak to penetrate your skin even without your armor.

Two minnutes later, they all run out of ammo and you ask:

"Are you done yet I'm bored"

They all are stunned that you survived and they think that you are barely holding on to life, but no you are in full health. You beat them all up (Imagine a horde of possessed). Two minutes later you walk out to see Stacker and Glynda walking towards the nightclub.

(Y/N): "How'd there Stacker didn't expect to see you here"

Stacker: "I can say the same for you, and we are just heading into that bar" *points at the bloodbath bar*

(Y/N): "In that bar there is a slight problem"

Stacker: "And what is that problem?"

(Y/N): "That they tried to hurt Blake so I went Berserk on them" After you say that Glynda gets green imagining what you did.

You hear the sound of a robot behind you and you see it aiming at Blake. Before you could do anything a shot hit her and you went full berserk mode. You body started crackling by argent energy. You run at the Paladin and just hear Roman say: 

"Nobody can break this glass. Why even try?"

Right after these words you destroy the entire glass in one hit and pull out Roman. But before you can do anything to him you see a girl appear behind him so you shoot her in the thigh with your pistol before she can do anything. 

(Y/N): "You will not hurt Blake, do you get it?!"

Roman: "Yes"

You leave those two for Glynda and Stacker, while you hurry over to Blake, who is bleeding pretty badly.

Blake: (Weakly) "If, I die here I want you to know that I love you"

(Y/N): "I love you too, but you won't die" Then you quickly rush her back to Beacon and wait outside the infirmary for news. 

Doctor: "She will live"

(Y/N): "Oh thank god"

You calm down and leave for your dorm. I was an interesting last twenty-four hours.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this part of the story. And because the relationship has just started I wanted to say that I will not write lemons, for at least 4 years. 

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