Mission: Don't die

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(Y/N) Pov:

You board the bullhead with Blake in your arms and Yang on your back. You tend to Blake's minor injuries. While Yang was more complicated because she lost an entire arm, but eventually you manage to bandage and heal it properly. The bullhead arrives in the remains of Beacon and Ozpin releases all the students to their homes until Beacon is rebuilt. You walk to Blake who is lying down in one of the medical tents.

Blake: "So where will you go?"

(Y/N):  "If you allow - with you"

Blake: "Well I don't know where should I go"

(Y/N): "I think you should go to your parents"

Blake: "But what if they aren't happy to see me?"

(Y/N): "Blake, they are your parents they will always be happy to see you"

Blake: "What about you? How will the faunuses allow you into Menagerie?"

(Y/N): "Blake, I can grow horns or a tail using argent energy"

Blake: "Oh, yeah, I forgot"

(Y/N): "You should get ready"

Blake: "Right"

*timeskip to Menagerie"

You and Blake leave the boat, you were getting some stares - some of lust (you are wearing a t-shirt) and some of wondering, because they have never seen any faunus with horns like yours. You both are walking on the main road and Blake goes straight to the biggest house in town (it was huge by Remnants standards, but by Earth's standards it an average sized house) and it was the chieftains house.

(Y/N): "So you're the daughter of the chief?"

Blake: "Yes, but I don't like to talk about it"

(Y/N): "Well, that just shows that you have enough will power to resist being spoiled"

Guard1: "Ah, Ms. Belladonna, welcome back"

Guard2: "And who is this?" *points at you*

Blake: "He's with me"

Guard2: "Ok, you can go through, but if we catch you stealing it won't be pretty"

(Y/N): "Fights with me are never pretty ask the last person I fought with! Oh, wait he's dead!"

Woman with black hair, which you know is Kali, Blake's mum: "Blakey you're back, where were you?"

Blake: "Mom, stop, you're embarrassing me!"

Kali: "In front of who? Are you with Adam (technically yes, because my name is Adam)?" *looks at you* "Who is this"

Blake: "This is my boyfriend (Y/N)"

Kali: "Well he looks, good, but where is Adam?"

(Y/N): "6 feet under"

Kali: "And who is the one who put him there?"

(Y/N): "You are talking to him right now"

Kali: "Ok, so let's go inside the house, Ghirda will be happy to see you"

You three walk into the house.

Kali: "Ghirda, Blake is back and she brought a boy too!"

Ghirda: "I swear to god, Adam, I said you show up at this house one more time and I will kill you!"

(Y/N): "Calm down, I'm not Adam!"

Ghirda: "Yeah, I see straight through your disguise!" 

then he rushes at you while you just stand your ground and get ready to be hit by some thing which feels like a train. But when he hits you it only feels like being hit by a pinkie.

Ghirda: "You're though, but I'm stronger!"

He then activates semblance and he grows some spikes on his back and arms. 

(Y/N): "Ok, I'm tired of this"

You then make your armor appear from thin air. 

Kali: *to Blake* "what's those red stains on his armor?"

Blake: *to Kali* "Demon and Adams blood"

Ghirda: *pulls out a giant hammer* "Hahaha, you're weapon less!"

(Y/N): *summons crucible* "I won't kill you, just injure"

He then rushes at you while swinging his hammer over head. You just hold out the crucible and cut his weapon in half. He looked shocked. You swing at him and the crucible just goes straight through his aura and he falls to one knee.

Blake: "(Y/N)! Stop!"

(Y/N): "If you say so" *de-summoning the armor and crucible*

Ghirda: "What training do you have?"

(Y/N): "Does fighting count?"

Ghirda: "Yeah"

(Y/N): "Then three millennium"

Ghirda: "You're joking"

Blake: "Nope!"

Ghirda: "Can you show me some of your fighting?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, sure why not?"

Blake: "Please, God, please don't watch it with me!"

(Y/N): "Blake, calm down, it's fine it's not the most gruesome parts"

Ghirda: "I'm not afraid of some blood"

(Y/N): "Have fun! The person who lasted longest was professor Ozpin at half an hour"

*timeskip ten minutes*

Ghirda: "Please let me go!! I don't want to see a second of that!!"

You carry Ghirda out of the room, but Kali get's a glance and sees you ripping a demon in half with you bare hands.

Kali: "Why did you slaughter demons with such ferocity?"

(Y/N): "They destroyed my home"

Kali: "Let's go talk in the living room" 

(Y/N): "About what did you want to talk about?"

Kali: "Maybe let's have some fun, while Blake is out with friends and Ghirda is out"

(Y/N): "Maybe, let's not"

Kali: "What am I ugly?"

(Y/N): "No, Kali, you're beautiful, but I'm loyal to Blake"

Blake: "That's what I wanted to hear."

(Y/N): "Ahh, where did you come from?! I thought you were out with friends!"

Blake: "No, this was just a test of you loyalty and you passed it with extra marks for rejecting without being a complete ass about it and now I will reward you for being a good man"

She then pulls you into her room and for the whole night you have "fun".

A/N: I think this may be the last real chapter of this story, I will do an epilogue. If you want to you can continue this story (like adopt it). Anyways have a great day/night! Bye!

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