Chapter 3 ❀ Last Request

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"Are you going to just stand there?"

"So you realized." Mahad commented, a small sigh accompanying him as he revealed himself, soon coming to stand next to you. "How could I not..." You mumbled to yourself, slowly turning your head to the side and finally stealing a glance of the now fully grown man. Mahad was not only 22 years old, he had become a member of the Sacred Guardians and wielder of the Millennium Ring, both of which rendered him even closer to Pharaoh Atem.

He no longer had the luxury to dress as casually as he did during his childhood when he used to come play with you. He now wore a more adequate robe for his assigned task. That only made him look even more mature, a trait you had always found attractive about him. Not only that, but his every feature had made him look even more handsome than he already was. "What are you doing in such a place?" Mahad soon awoke you from your daze, you averting your gaze as soon as you were aware that you had been staring at him. "Am I no longer allowed to come to the garden?"

"That... was not what I meant to say." The brunet said somewhat apologetically though you were well aware that he wouldn't say such cold-hearted things to you, no matter what the situation or how well he would sugar-coat his words. At least, that was what you thought. An uncomfortable silence filled the air, but that was only to be expected after avoiding each other for years. Though 'avoiding' was a strong word, it was true that your relationship with Mahad had taken a negative turn somewhere along the way. He had stopped being as honest as he used to, sometimes he would even refrain himself from talking to you about certain matters completely.

The subtle butterfly took flight once it sensed a slightly more gloomy aura emanating from you, one that wasn't the same as the relaxed one just moments ago. Even insects such as it were able to tell the change in your mind and heart. "Are they not pretty?" You blurted out, your gaze following the delicate beings that clapped their wings together as they distanced themselves from you. A small smile made its way onto Mahad's usually indifferent face. He couldn't help but join you in watching the display of white butterflies filling the garden. "You have always liked butterflies, have you not?"

"Not particularly the butterflies themselves. I liked chasing them. With you." You knew that what you were saying was selfish, but your marriage coming closer and closer with every ticking second made you realize just how much you were regretting this entire development. As much as you hated being that way, you were becoming desperate. To an almost extreme extent. Mahad felt guilty after hearing those words, but that was only natural. After all, he had hurt you so many times by neglecting you, just because he wanted to stay loyal to Atem. "Ah, but you were not so fond of those times, were you, Mahad...?"

"That is not true." The brown-haired male countered, not wanting you to misunderstand things even further. "I also enjoyed our times together, when we chased after butterflies." A small laugh escaped your lips and though it sounded genuine, it wasn't particularly. Rather, it was a little forced as well as painful. "You say that, but your actions showed otherwise."

"We... we could chase butterflies together again. Though that is more adequate for children to do, so we could do other things, things you like." Your thoughts and words that followed were soon led astray as you turned around, your body now completely facing Mahad. As much as you were trying to keep your composure, your confidence faltered the moment you were able to take a complete look at the dark-skinned young man, your lip even began to tremble. "M-Mahad..."

"I-I do not think I can do this... I-I do not want to do this...!" You stuttered, your eyes taking course from his perfectly proportioned face to his chest and ultimately to the ground. The sight of the green grass started getting blurry, or so you thought at least, but you quickly discovered that it was only the consequence of tears filling eyes. "I-I don't want to get married to Atem...!"

Chasing Butterflies | Mahad x Reader [Yu☆Gi☆Oh!]Where stories live. Discover now