p e r s o n a l i t y

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#     charlie  is  incredibly
flirtatious,   and  doesn't
hold  back.  if  he  likes a
person,  he'll  make sure
they're aware.

#     he's straight forward
and very  confident.  this
young man says it how it
is    and   doesn't   like  to
sugar coat things.

#     charlie   is  very   loyal,
very   arrogant,    and  very
self obsessed.  he doesn't
like  to  be  told  he's a sub,
and likes proving to some
that he's not a bottom.

#     being part of the mafia,
charlie's   reflexes  are  fast,
and   his  senses  are   quite
strong.  barely anything will
go  unnoticed  with  charlie,
whether  it's    emotion,   or
movement from the corner
of his eyes.  he  picks up on

#     being    an   insomniac,
this  young  teen  tends  to
lack  sleep   -   badly. some
times  he  won't  sleep   for
over   74  hours.   however,
he  doesn't  get grumpy  or
lazy,   he   gets   hyper  and
extra horny.

#     charlie  is  known to be
a fuckboy,  and  he  doesn't
care. honestly, it goes right
over  his  head.   the  mean
comments   and   opinions,
they  don't   matter  to  this
young  teen.  he does what
he  wants,  when  he wants
to, however he wants to do
it. simple as that.

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