The Day I met Brandon

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Melody was a girl who had it all. Melody could probably rule the world with her looks, alone. When new boy, Brandon joined the school, things changed. Melody was no longer the player of the school. He had won the players heart. Brandon played the player.


It was the first day of year 11 and I was looking forward to leaving school so I could be a model, full time. Life was pretty amazing. I guess you could I say I was the 'queen bee' of the school. Everyone wanted me, or everyone wanted to be me.

So when I walked down the halls in my short pencil skirt, silky blond hair down to my waist, high heels and my with two 'side kicks' every day, I looked pretty amazing.

This day was no different, except I just got my first, real, motorbike over the summer holidays.

I loved that feeling when I rode it.- the wind in your hair, your black leather gloves tightening its grip as you turned around a steep bend; the feeling of freedom- that if you swerved and crashed, you could die. Your life was in your hands.

It was exhilarating. It was the best adrenalin rush in the world. All my cares and thoughts in the world vanished, for those few moments. I was free; I felt free.

You could go faster, and faster, and faster; you could ride off into the sunset, never turn back because you wouldn’t have a care in the world. It was just you, and your glossy red bike.

So when I parked my bike and everyone was watching me, admiring me, I couldn’t help but smile. Everyone envied me even more because I was free and they weren't; because I didn't have a care in the world and they did; because I had it all and they had nothing.

Nothing had changed. I was still the centre of attention and it felt good.  I felt like royalty.

Once you've tasted freedom, there ain’t no going back baby. It was like freedom was my drug and I was addicted.

I hoped off my back and tied it up; holding the black helmet to my hips, never letting it go. I shock my glossy blond hair and let it fall loosely on my shoulders.

I spotted Holly and Katy chatting up Liam and Danny but something was different. Another guy was with them. This guy was to replace their (ex) best friend who moved to America at the end of year 10; this guy was to steal my heart and my life.

"Hi Holly, hi Katy!" I shouted, running over to them. "Group hug!" My face was buried in their school jumpers within a millisecond. "I've missed you two so much!" I screamed pulling away from them.

"How was Venis?" Holly giggled, her strawberry-blond fringe falling into her, light green eyes.

"I'll tell you at lunch, I've just got to do something."  I turned to Liam, Danny and the new boy. "Hey boys." I flattered my eyes in a flirty manner.

"Hi" They replied, trying to act cool.

"So who's the new boy?" I asked, stepping forwards so my face was inches away from his. Liam sighed, knowing he was my next prey. "The new boy has nice eyes." I laughed as he tried to hide his, now red, face.

I turned around and walked away, knowing he was watching me. Knowing it was gonna be so easy to get him.

But the one thing I didn't know was the most important thing

I scanned the car park/play-ground, looking for Fabian when I spotted Caroline strut over to Cassidy.

Oh no. This can’t be good. Nothing good ever comes out of the school bully walking up to a school nerd. I let out a breath, that I didn’t realise I had been holding and watched as she snatched Cassidy’s phone out of her hand and read the text aloud.

My name is Melody and I'm afraid of Life.Where stories live. Discover now