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Tray and Chris has finally made it to their new house, Tray was super excited as for Chris he was just going with the flow. While Tray was getting things out the car Chris decided to go in first and go look around the house and to say hi to everyone.

Chris's POV: I like the house it's nice and it's cool to see everyone again. I hope this move works out for me and Tray because this was really all his idea. The only benefit in all of this is I get to see my crush.

     Tray is currently bringing things in the house, as he's bringing things in he sees Nique, King, Carmen and Corey he didn't see Airi right away because she wasn't by everyone...he was bummed at first but he knew he would see her later.

  Chris is still looking around the house after he said hi to everyone then he bumped into Airi. He was happy to see her he just started smiling. And said Hi to her.

Chris: Hey Airi (he said hugging her)

Airi: Hey Gilly ( hugging him back)

Chris: How have you been, (Chris said smiling)

Airi: Good (Airi replied starting to feel awkward)

Chris: That's Good, the house is nice your mom did a good job picking it

Airi: She did (Airi replied)

As Chris was talking to Airi she started feeling weird and started wondering where Tray was....and just as she was looking Tray walking in and they immediately made eye contact...

Tray's POV: As I walk back in the house I see Airi and Chris talking but I noticed Chris was actually flirting with her but looking at her she was looking a little bit uncomfortable. I know no one knows I like her but to see Chris flirting with her kind of bugged me.

In that instance Tray asked Airi to come here to help him bring the stuff in the house and also so he can give her the flowers and bear he got for her but he wanted to give them to her when no one was around.

@traybills That moment you have a crush but don't want to give it away ☺️

Tray: Airi can you come here real quick (Tray yelled in Airi's direction)

Airi: COMING (Airi yelled back)

Airi then left Chris standing there and went to where Tray was to see what he had wanted.

@iamjustairi will I ever be able to express my feelings 🥺

Airi: Yes Tray (She asked him)

Tray: I just wanted to see if you wanted to help me get the rest of the things out of the car and catch up (He said)

Airi: Sure (she said trying not to smile)

Airi the followed Tray to his car to get the last bit of things he needed help getting but in that instance he decided to give her the flowers and bear.

Tray: There really isn't that much left in the car to get but I did want to give you these (Tray said handing her the flowers and bear)

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