Run The Streets

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When Tray got back to the house what he saw made his blood boil however he didn't want to react because he didn't want his secret out when it came to his feelings.

Tray's POV: When I walked in the house I saw Chris trying to kiss Airi, she was backing up but Chris kept trying... but that's when I decided to yell for Airi.

Tray: AIRI!!!!!

Airi turned around and saw that Tray has came back with the food and that's when I decided to get up and go help Tray put the food in the kitchen.

Airi's POV: What has got into Gilly first the awkward conversation earlier now he tries to kiss me...I don't even look at him that way I literally only look at him as a brother but he is making this awkward....but Tray is back so let me go help him.

Tray: Airi what was going on when I walked in (Tray asked)

Airi: I don't know what that was we were just talking and out of no where he was leaning in towards me when you walked in (Airi said with a confused tone)

Tray: Oh okay (Tray said trying to keep his cool)

As Tray and Airi was setting the food up on the counter the rest of the gang walked in and washed their hands to eat. The whole time Tray was side eyeing Chris because he knows what he is doing. The only one that noticed was King. So he walked over to Tray.

King: Yo Bro chill out you are going to give yourself away...if you don't want no one to know about your feelings for Airi you have to not look like you want to kill that boy (King said laughing )

Tray: You're right but he's doing this stuff on purpose (Tray said irritated)

King: Well do you want everyone in the house to know you like her or not. (King said with sarcasm)

Tray: I don't want no one to know right now I want to build a bond with her first (Tray said)

King: Well then stop side eyeing the dude we have to shoot videos anyway

Tray knew King was right and at that moment everyone was done eating and we decided to run some videos for the rest of the night.

@traybills the hardest part about having a crush is hiding it 😔

After everyone each did a video for their channels everyone had went to bed.

Next Morning

It's the next morning Chris and Tray is up first, Tray took his shower then went downstairs, then Chris took always took Chris longer to take his showers because he had to wash his hair.

Chris's POV: I have been trying everything to get Airi to like me but nothing is working. I tried having conversations with her, I tried hanging out with her but nothing. I even tried kissing her but then Tray walked in (Chris thought in fustration). Why is it so hard to get her to like me.

Once Chris got out the shower he got dressed and proceeded to go back to him and Tray's room to put his things away and as soon as he walked out Airi was walking out her room but as soon as he was going to walk to her Tray was walking upstairs and Airi saw him.

Tray: Airi can you come downstairs when you  done showering and stuff (Tray asked)

Airi: Okay (Airi responded)

When Airi got her stuff in the bathroom to take her shower and stuff her phone started ringing, so she answered it.

Airi: Hello, (Airi answered)

Queen: Hey sis how are things going with the new roommates

Airi: Things are going good for the most part Gilly is being weird and Tray hasn't shown no interest in me

Queen: How is Gilly being weird and I'm sure Tray is trying to hide his feelings you know guys do that (Queen said laughing)

Airi: It's just he's being real flirtatious and I don't even like him like that and maybe you are right about Tray but we will see (Airi said )

Queen: Yeah that is weird, and give Tray time

Airi: Well I have to go I will talk to you later okay.

Queen: Okay bye sis

And with that Airi got off the phone and got in the shower and washed her hair. Once she got out she brushed her teeth, put her hair in a light bun and called Nique in to give her a light makeup looks since she didn't know how to do makeup that good yet.

Nique: What kind of light makeup look did you want me to do

Airi: Just something simple that looks natural we aren't doing much today

Nique: Got you... and what's going on with you and Chris lately y'all seem to be getting close (Nique asked wanting the gossip)

Airi: That's the thing that has me confused because I don't even like Chris in that way I really only see him as a brother but he keeps acting strange around me

Nique: Oh I see maybe he likes you...

Airi: Nique if I tell you something you can't tell no one not even King

Nique: I spill it (Nique said while still doing Airi's makeup)

Airi: Now here is the deal I actually like Tray but obviously no one knows that...well except for you now (Airi said laughing at herself)

Nique: Wait for real...why don't you make your move then girl you're a catch I'm sure he would love to go out with you

Airi: That's what Queen said she also said she thinks Tray has a crush on me too but I don't know.

Nique: Airi you never know unless you ask him yourself

Airi: I don't know if I'm ready to do that... but he did ask me to meet him downstairs

Nique: Girl this is the perfect opportunity...well I'm done with your makeup I will put everything away you go downstairs

When Nique was done with Airi's make up she went downstairs to meet with Tray.  Tray told her he just wanted to hang out and talk to get to know each other more.

Tray's POV: It's been awhile since I sat and talked to any woman so I think it's time to get to know Airi more away from the group because I feel like I don't even really know her.

Tray: Airi you want to go somewhere to just talk

Airi: Sure (Airi said)

And with that Tray and Airi were off to the pond where Tray loves to go and clear his head sometimes.

(A/N: I hope y'all enjoy this update please vote and comment what you think and give me ideas on what song I should use for the next update and what I should have happen in the next chapter)

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