Chapter 5

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I came back to the house pretty early, I told my boss I have a visitor at home, and I needed to get back early to take care of him.
At first he didn't belive me saying things like "Yes Mone, and I have a cow at home, and we bouth know I don't have one, and neither do you, not the cow stuff, you know what I mean!" But after a bit more talking he let me go. I am so happy I can talk to Jacq more when I get there, and I want to see how his appointment went. I am realy worried for him, I hope he is doing okey.

I opend the door just to see Jacq sitting on the floor looking at cartoons, I didn't know he had a childish side to him. I put my bag on the desk and locked the door, I don't need to worry about someone breaking into my house. I just can't believe that some people leave their doors unlocked, and after be all shocked when somebody just waltzes in.

-Jacq I didn't know you like cartoons, may I join, I love this one.

He looked at me kind of confused, like he didn't even know me, but I am pretty sure we're well acquainted.  Maybe it is his memory loss, so I decided to introduce myself again.

-Hi, my name is Mone! We are living together for a few days until you find somewhere to stay, but by the looks of it you're staying here, oh yea, this is my hose.

I think I said everything, yeah I think he will remember now.

-Hi my name is Gasper, nice to meat you lady! Do you have any toys in here, I am bored.

-Yea let me just... wait Gasper? No no no no, your name is Jacq, not Gasper.

How can he forget his name, uf, I just need to calm down and try my best to explain everything to him, where did he leave his passport, I think he will remember his name when he sees it.

-Oh never mind I found one myself!

He stood up grabbing one of my stuffed animals from the shelf. It was a purple bear I got when I was little, I loved it so much, maybe that is the reason I keept it. I went up to him, forgeting, well, that he forgot.

-I am going to get you more of those, lets go to my room I have plenty more. I even have dinosaurs in there.

-Yey, you are the best lady!

I don't know why, but I just went with it. I let him be a child, I feelt like he needed that. I can't explain it, but I just knew.

We went to my room and I pulled out a lot of boxes filled with toys. I know I should have got rid of them a long time ago, but I kept them for, I don't know what reason, maybe nostalgia, maybe the only thing that made me happy were those toys, I don't know why am I looking so deep into it.
None of the less he looked through them all, picking which ones he liked and which ones he didn't, telling me which one I'm going to play. So I played. I was a angry pirate, and he was the brave hero who is going to take all of my gold that I took from good people. We played for a long time, and he seemed to have a lot of, and to be frank so did I.

-Mone, I had so much fun, but I am tired, can you tell me a story.

-Sure let me get you to bed.

I took him by his hand, and like a little kid I led him to his bed, and tucked him in. He looked at me teary-eyed while he was yawning, I guess this will be a short story, he is already so tired. As I started to talk he hugged the purple bear and slowly but surely fell asleep.

I stood up after a few minutes of just looking at him sleep, and started making coffee, I don't have time to sleep now. I am working day and night so my sleeping schedule is all over the place, ofcourse drinking coffe made it even worse, but oh well what can you do.
I went to my room to clean up, I put the mug on my bedside table, and started picking up the toys.

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