A coward and a traitor

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The head of the royal guard, Lancel Amulet, a hybrid between a nymph and a fairy, guarded around the palace. His beautiful tanned skin, blue eyes and freckles stood out among the other Altean's features.

Lance had been appointed captain of the guard at 16, the youngest guard in his fleet to have been promoted to such a position. Later, thanks to his exploits and loyalty, he was assigned as the princess's personal guard, with whom he shared a dark time from his past. They were both still young when they first met, a boy who stole loaves of bread to feed his brothers and a girl who didn't understand the type of blood that ran through her veins. The young lady offered him a chance to help his family, and the boy offered her gratitude and everlasting friendship for the first time ever.

They shared an unbreakable bond. Just like blood brothers, they would protect each other, even if that meant sacrificing for each other.

Now that the years have passed and tragedies have occurred, their lives have taken unexpected turns. The death of King Alfor, Altea's ruler shook everyone's world. His daughter, Princess Allura was not yet ready to bear the weight of the crown, and, Lance, a simple guard, was not ready to become the hand of the king, in addition to the lives he was to protect, he was now to guide and advise the young princess to reign sane and prosperous.

But, regardless of all their struggles, they managed to support each other, accompanying each other in moments of pain and confusion. A princess who, despite her young age, achieved what none of her ancestors could, maintaining the peace and harmony of her kingdom with other creatures that previously lived in fear before the royal blood, and a thief who left his dark past behind to become the most loyal and brave guard in his kingdom, illuminating the future of those who once felt lost and in pain.

A duo who swore before the beautiful crystal, that they would give their all to eliminate the grief that all their people once suffered.

It was an afternoon like any other, the sky tinged with reddish and orange tones, waiting to be painted again in black and thousands of small bright spots. Accompanying him was a fresh, steady breeze, which felt nice when it touched his warm skin.
The palace lays silent, and only the Clicks and Clacks emitted by the brush of his armor and sword resonated in the empty corridors.

Lancel was in charge of guarding the north part of the castle, and the changes of rounds had to be started as soon as possible to ensure the safety of all those who lived or served there.
The guard sighed as he leaned his elbows on the white wall that gave access to the most beautiful view of the territory, one of the reasons he had chosen to guard that area.

Thousands and thousands of kilometers of green grass and fields of hundreds of different flowers stretched out towards the horizon.A sight that kept taking his breath away over and over again. And beyond that horizon was Porrua, his home.
He imagined how his brothers would have loved to run through these beautiful pastures, laughing and dancing everywhere.

He really missed them.
But, his duty was now here in the capital and with his princess. Maybe someday he'll visit again.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" said someone right by his side.

"It is." He said.

"I wish i could visit once more and relive that hot summer with my family" said that voice again, chuckling faintly.

Lance finally saw who it was, finding the beautiful princess smiling back to him.

"Someday we'll travel there, and we'll remember everything just as we did that summer" said the captain offering the princess one of his most sincere smiles, which were not often seen.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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