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*Trigger Warning* : Panic attacks

Your breathing was fast and your eyes shoot open. You look around the room and it seems to be a high tech makeshift hospital room. Panicking a little you try to sit up only realizing there's an arm wrapped around you. You raise your head to see Tony asleep, his light snores making you smile, he looked so peaceful like that. Behind his soft snores you hear a hum along with a faint blue light coming from behind his shirt, thinking it to only be one thing. The arc reactor in his chest. The one thing keeping him alive. With the slightest of movements you take Tony's arm off of you and an inner part of you whines at the loss of his touch. You slowly pull yourself off the bed throwing your legs over the side. When you go to stand up you practically fall to the ground but catch yourself midway on the counter. As you pull yourself up you gaze out a window as you realize it's gotten dark outside. You could faintly hear the rain hitting the window and watched as they made their way from the top of the window to the bottom.

What time is it? You thought.

Not remembering how you got to this room you carefully made your way around it and into one of the many hallways of the tower. You guide your hands along the wall whilst not only trying to keep yourself up but also moving. As you get further and further down the hallway you start to hear chatter. As they grow closer the longer you follow you see a light coming from what appears to be an office. You pear in from one of the windows to it and see that it's Clint and some other man.

"Clint there isn't much about her anywhere, other than the news about her mother and the invasion. It's like she doesn't even exist, let alone was even born or born here. I can't even find a birth certificate." Your head sinks as the man brings that up. Of Course you were born here, you went to school and had doctors appointments like any other normal child growing up. You wouldn't have a job, a government job, not only that but your dad was a doctor for god's sake.

"So What if she wasn't born here Bruce. Nat wasn't either  does that make her any different." He stopped face changing."Ok well, Nat is a trained assassin but you get my point."  Your head perks up as Clint defends you.

"Clint you said you and Steve saved her last year right, during the invasion. Her leg was caught in the metal of the bus and she lost a lot of blood. Now I'm a doctor, and I know for a fact they not only had to stitch that up but they probably used staples to keep the skin together just in case. Seeing as where the skin was hanging and how deep you said it was. Clint the girl was wearing shorts, there was no sign not a mark where she clearly should've had a scar."

"Some people heal fast Bruce look at Steve."

"Clint. Steve was used as an experiment; he's got chemicals in his veins that do and heal for him."

"Look Maybe she's just different." Clint was really trying to back you up and that made you somewhat content. But Bruce sighs.
"Maybe you're right Clint. But, what if she ends up being like Loki. We don't know what to expect anymore. For all we know Tony could've just picked her up off the street like he normally does. She could be a spy of some sort like Nat, disguised as a hooker or school girl."  Your blood boils, you couldn't believe this, a complete stranger was judging you based on Tony and who he was, he was also judging you when he didn't even know you. Not only did it piss you off that he thought of Tony like that but who was he to judge you, he didn't even know you. Hell he doesn't even know your name. Annoyed you continued to listen to their conversation.

"Anyway, I'll do some more research, but I don't trust her Clint and neither should you." You stood there unable to form any thoughts on what was just said, but you couldn't blame them.

You are a freak.

How could anyone ever trust you? All you have is family and one single friend and you were fine with that. But were other people? You've always had a difficulty adapting to the fact that you'd only ever fit in where you're wanted, and everyone was always sure to tell you that no matter where you went. Your legs feel weak again and you put your back against the wall sliding to the floor. As your butt hit the floor Cora came running from around the corner. She always knew when you needed her, and you knew she'd always find you. Her little legs trotting her over to you. Noticing your slowly falling tears she climbs her way up your legs and stands on her hind ones licking them away. You sit there for a few minutes before you decide you'd better go, somehow you knew that coming here was going to go south, but of course you chose to ignore it as usual. Throwing your hand up on the wall you try to pick yourself up but your legs weren't working with you. Great now you're stuck. You attempt one more time to stand but then suddenly there's arms under your armpits holding you up like you were nothing. You turn your head looking behind you, seeing none other than Steve Rogers. This man was always helping people wasn't he?

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