Chapter 1

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Hi you all wonderful readers! ^_^

Im sorry I took long to update  because I thought nobody like it...=_=

but I guess I was wrong...^____^

So thank you to all who read this especially who vote and comment.... >__

So anyways heres the chapter 1 and I hope you like it...

and sorry for the spelling and grammar mistakes.... (_ _)'''

(PLEASE READ:Also,if anyone of you likes to make a cover for this,I will greatly appreciate it because also I don't know how to put the title on the picture hehehe sorry....^~^)


Chapter 1

Clyne's POV

I grinned as I stare at my reflection in my mirror.Im wearing a fitted black cocktail dress that hugged my curvy figure and it ends at my knees showing my slender legs that was even look longer because of the black heels I paired.I let my natural wavy black hair fall and put mascara on my long eyelashes so my color amber eyes could stand out then I put enough lip gloss on my lips.I didn't brother to put make-up because I don't like that kind of girly things.

But all in all, I looked pretty hot, but not slutty just the way I like it. With these, my plan will work to make those alpha boys not looking down on me, just becasue Im the only girl heir alpha ,but they will be drooling at me. I smirked at that thought, but I can't help but notice the flutters in my stomach which I felt every since I was informed by my dad that I  will be coming with him on a meeting with the other alphas from all over the world who will also be bringing their heirs or sons. Also my wolf is getting restless.

And I have this weird feeling that something big will happen in the meeting that will change my life forever and what worse is that I don't know if its good or bad. But knowing me,a carefree badass girl,just make me ignore it and make fun of it.

"Clyne,we should get going or we'll be late" I heard my father shouted from downstairs.

"Okay,be there in a minute" I shouted back. I get my coat and wore it, then I went to the picture of my mom and kiss it "bye mom" I said smiling at her. If your thinking that she already passed away then you're right, well long story short she passed away because of her sickness Cancer, so anyways I really don't want to talk abou it but maybe next time. So I went downstairs.

"Don't look too pretty Clyne cause I don't want chasing down horny werewolves boys" he joked as I was on my way on the steps on the staircase.

I chuckle "too late.......and besides Im 18 dad,I can take care of myself" I said while stepping on the last step.

I saw my dad leaning against the front door with his arms crossed wearing his black and gray suit that perfectly suited his tall large built muscled body. He is still good looking in his age of 42; he have blue eyes, that used to have more happiness and love in them and that was until my mom,his mate, passed away but even that pain of losing his mate he still take care of me and love me with all his heart and give me happiness and thats why I love my father so much, and he has black hair that I took the color of my hair from him while I took my beauty and eyes from my mom.

He shrugs "well you're still and always be my baby girl" he remark and standing upright.

I  rolled my eyes "and you will always be my overprotective father" I comment and went outside and then to dad's car.

He chuckle then followed but not before closing the door to our house and he went to drivers seat while I went to the passenger seat. He started to the engine and we're on our way to the meeting house where all alphas have meeting and lucky for us it is only a few miles away and we don't need to ride an airplane or anything.

The entire ride,I wondered what are the alpha sons are like because I only met the other alphas but not their sons. There are 11 packs in the whole world, including our pack, so the other 10 have 10 alphas means there are 10 alpha sons. I guess I can imagined them being an alpha and all means they must be good looking,possessive,territorial, and powerful, and be even more powerful when they become alpha,the same with me but instead I'll become an alpha female,if I find my mate that is,because I've been searching for him but no luck.Im not rushing or anthing I just want to feel complete like other mated wolves say;when you find your mate you'll feel whole.

"were here"my father announce while parking infront of the meeting house.

I look at the meeting house;it just one story building but big and wide,black and brown walls,4 windows,and 1 entrance.Just looking at it make the flutters in my stomach go wild but I was too excited with my plan to worry about it.

I took off my coat and I saw my dad raised his eyebrow.

I face him "What?..I can't change anymore,dad" I state crossing my arms over my chest

Seeing he can't change my mind,he sighs "okay,fine but don't blame me if you get unwanted attention"he warn

"yeah yeah,lets go,we're already running late"

we get out of the car and walk towards the entrance with two bulky guys guarding it. They nod as we pass them and one even winked at me. I shuddered in disgust,yuck,I so did not plan an old guy drooling at me.

Ofcourse my good dad laugh at me "I told you so"

I just scowled at him and follow him through the halls to the meeting room. On the way,I noticed my wolf almost bursting with excitement and happiness. I wonder why,she never has been excited or happy like this before. And it started when my dad told me that I will be coming with him at the meeting.

"whats with you?why are you so excited and happy?"I ask her

"why?is it a crime to be excited and happy?"  she replied sarcasticlly.Yup,my wolf is a sarcastic badass wolf but even that we still make a pretty good team.

"whatever" I mumbled.I don't have time to fight with my wolf.

"whats the matter?wolf got your tongue or you're still scarred from the old guy lusting you" she teased then laugh.

I was about to retort back, but stop when my father stop at a double doors that must be the meeting room.

"you ready?" he asks looking at me

If just seeing the house made the flutters in my stomach go wild then being near the room made butterflies flap madly in my stomach.And my wolf shaking in excitement.

I drew out a breath.You can do it clyne. Show them who's boss.

I look at him and nodded. He gives me encouraging smile and put a comforting hand on my back and led me to the doors.

He opened it and we went inside it.

I close my eyes and inhaled deeply.There are many scents that filled my nose but 8 different intoxicating scents hit me like explosion of perfumes. It smells so good that Im addicted to it and my wolf likes it too and wants me to find the source.

So I opened my eyes and gasp. I saw the 8 most gorgeous, the hottest and the yummiest guys I've ever seen,who by the way, are also gazing at me so much hunger and possessiveness. They have each different looks but they are all top model material,thats how drop dead gorgeous they're are. I feel my body craved in need and lust.

My wolf howled and said the word I didn't expect to hear or to see "mates".

At the same time the alpha sons or should we say 'my mates' stand up and growled possessively "MINE!"

Everyone in the room froze and I have feeling that world war III is about to begin.


So how was it?...?_?

Comment and Vote to tell me what you think...^_^

I will gladly accept also suggestions,corrections and etc because it will help me improve...^+^

(AUTHORS NOTE:You probably wondering why 8 mates while I said 10,let just see int the next chapters cause I stll have suprises up my sleeleves...

Also please help me find celebrities for my characters and make my cover....tnx ^~^)


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