Chapter 4

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Hi you all wonderful people!! ^___^

Again,Thank you so superlicious much!!! for fanning,commenting,voting, and adding my story to your reading lists!!>^< really means a lot to me....and thanks for reading my story even if some of you find it confusing...@_@

Sorry for the very late update because I've been busy preparing for the wushu competition..(_ _),which by the way,my team won so cheers for me,hahaha VV(^_^)VV, then my examination week and sudden vacation,then my parents taking my laptop away from me so I have no time to write chapter 4 so Im very sorry for the long wait..(_ _""")

I dedicate this chapter to terra_lynne07 for making my wonderful and attractive cover,so Thank you very much....V(^_^)V

And for those comments that I didn't replied last chapter, please notify me because I have problems in that last chapter..(-_-?)

I'll have contests or games so my story won't be that boring and to know if you really observe well and ofcourse there is a prize and that is a chapter being dedicated to watch out for it....hehe >~<

so anyways,here's Chapter 4 and I hope you like it..<3



But then I bumped onto a hard chest causing electrifying sparks to occur through my whole body. I fell to the floor because of the impact and shock of sparks tingled through my body. What the hell?

I looked up to scold who ever dared to bump into me. But when I look at his face I lost my voice and I felt my mouth hanging open at how drop dead gorgeous he is. I looked at his face; he had gold locks of hair, sculptured jaw and cheekbones, and kissable lips. But, when I look at his hazelnut eyes I felt my whole world stop, as cliché as it sounds, and it seemed like it’s the only two of us, each lost in each other eyes.

Then my wolf howled happily and said the word I’m dreading for, “mate”.

I couldn’t tell if my mouth can open any wider at how shock I was. I can tell he was too, because his eyes were wide and his mouth ajar at the same time happy but then it turn into an angry and hateful one. And I felt my world crumbling down.

Chapter 4

Clyne's POV

He looked at me with a cold and hateful gaze, that made my soul cold and my heart clench. What the heck is happening to me?

"Are you blind? Can’t you see where you going?" he spat, annoyed and angry, clear in his voice, but for me it sound like a melody. Wait, what he did just say?!

I stood up and tried to look intimidating to him but damn, he's tall. But I still looked at him eye to eye, which is very hard because I felt lost when I look at his alluring hazelnut eyes. "What did you just say to me?" I asked, daring him to say it again.

"What are you? Blind and deaf!?“, he snorted. My hands are aching to punch this douche. What’s with his attitude?! He’s treating me like I’m not his mate, which of course is that I don't care, it’s just that his reaction is different from my idiot mates that I met earlier.

"How dare you say that to me? Do you know who I am?" I said in anger and wondering if he knows I’m his mate. My wolf is irritated too.

He looked at me from head to toe.  "A stupid girl." he said nonchalantly. My blood boiled and my wolf growled.

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