That voice

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The next morning Blair and I agreed to meet at the cafeteria to get breakfast and see the reaction when Toby enters the room. I had decided not to tell her about my little encounter last night, I think I'm going to keep that to myself. As I entered the cafeteria I saw Blair sitting at our usual table, I grabbed my food and made my way over, as I approached I noticed a smug smile across her face. As I sat down I looked at her questionably.....
"You should of heard what happened this morning in the boys section"
I raised my eyebrow " ummmm.....what happened"
"Toby went ape shit, he even went so far as to punch out the first guy that asked him what was wrong"
Oh shit I forgot all about him, all I could think about was my encounter and those eyes. The next thing I know Blair was snapping her fingers in front of my face,
"what" I snapped,
"jeez someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today" Blair replied
"I just have a lot on my mind right now" I say this being truthful, I need to find that guy, Blair snorted at my comment,
"Like to talk your way out of this one" she remarks with a smug smile


Instantly I raise my head only to see the doors to the cafeteria slam open and Toby storming in with a black beanie on his head, making his way directly over to me.
"YOU!......" He raises his voice and pointed his finger in my direction, I turn around and look behind me, but there was no one there,
"" I say innocently as I point to my self,
"YOU LITTLE BITCH" he screams at me, as he made his way over.
At this point the whole cafeteria is staring in awe.
I push my chair back and stand up tall, we were now face to face, I looked sideways at Blair and she was trying to hold in her laughter and when I mean trying she is literally biting her fist but you can still hear her snickering.
"What's wrong Toby.......?" I asked with the most innocence I could muster and a look of confusion on my face,
"You did this to me you slut" by this point I had zoned out he's blabbering was boring as fuck, I looked around and everyone was still staring at the scene unfolding in front of them. I must have been the only one not taking in what he said.
"excuse me, I'm going to be late to class" I smiled sweetly as I cut him off mid sentence and walked past him with Blair hot on my heels. As soon as we were out of the cafeteria we burst out laughing.

"Octavia Skye, principles" I knew this part would come eventually, I told Blair I would text her when I get out, that's if I get out. I know the route to the principles office far to well, I could walk it blindfolded. I knocked on the door and heard a grumble, Ill just take that as a yes I think to myself. When I opened the door, I was meet with Mr. Jerkins,

"Sit" he said dryly, I obeyed

"What's this about if I may ask Sir" I question sweetly,

"Where were you last night, or should I say, what where you doing last night", I look at him with a unknowingly expression, of course I know what this was about but why stop messing with him. He raised his eyebrow,
"Why do I even bother to ask you, it's a waste of my time"
"Wow you only just realized" I smile up at him sweetly
"This is the final straw Octavia, I have made way too many deals with your father to keep you here. The next time you step out of line, you will be suspended in till further notice on whether or not you will be expelled"
"About time!" I scream and raise from my chair and slam the door as I stormed out. I've been trying to get out of this hell hole for years now and they are only just starting to think of expulsion, I've pulled every stunt in the book and yet only now they think of it. Screw classes I'm out of this place!

I ran, I don't know how far I ran before I stopped but by the time I did, I had tears slipping from my eyes. I will not cry for someone that doesn't love me, that's the reason why they put me here in the first place right. My body racks with tears as I fell to the ground, I was a few kilometers from the school grounds when I stopped running. After all the times I had gotten kicked out of class or I just wanted to clear my head I would run laps around the school, don't ask me why I do this I don't even know myself, all I know is that it clears my head. On one of my runs I discovered a hole in the fence behind a big oak tree, the hole leads to a deserted road that leads to the road people use to access my school. I don't know how long I sat there in the damp grass, but I started to get hungry as my tears died, it must of been around 10:30 am by now. It's not even lunch time and I'm almost starving. As my sobs died, I rose to my feet I brushed off my tears and the dirt on my knees, then set out for food!

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