✎┆ treble clef

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❥ Pairing: yoonmin

❥ Genre: fluff / romance

❥ Mature content: profanities

❥ Description: Soulmate!au where mates have the same tattoo on some part of their body.

❥ Notes: This is originally a mini-game entry I wrote for an award. To avoid confusion: if, somehow, two or more pairs of soulmates have the same tattoo, to confirm — a mate feels something when he sees the other's tattoo. Like a lurch in the stomach or a skip in the heartbeat.

❥ Word count: 2.3K

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Despite reading lot of angst filled literature, Jimin never really knew what a heartbreak was.

That is, until a week ago, when the person he had loved all his life, that he had always thought to be his fated mate, had broken his heart.

His name was Taehyung. He was so happy when he was with his Taetae, because he always thought he was one of the very few who found their mate in their best friend. But when Taehyung had said he wanted to say something important, Jimin would have never guessed the other would tell him that he wasn't anything more than a friend.

"I know everyone thinks we're 'fated' to be soulmates, but... you understand, right?" Taehyung's words still rang in the back of his head.

"Of course, I do," he'd said. But he didn't. He didn't understand why the one person that stuck with him through thick and thin from his childhood couldn't be his soulmate.

He had skipped college the whole week; he barely had the strength to carry himself out of bed. He had cried himself to sleep every night, wondering why there had to be a thing such as soulmates at all. Why couldn't just tattoos be a normal thing and not something that's supposed to shape your whole life?

Maybe he was just being foolish, wishing for something that could never happen. If Taehyung had ever had any feelings for Jimin, he'd have at least tried to get a tattoo just like him.

As he sat leaning against the wall of his apartment on a Saturday night, crying despite his will for the loss of love he felt - he heard a pleasant sound and recognized it immediately. It was the sound of a beautiful melody being played on a piano. He had often heard the notes of a piano coming from the adjacent apartment and enjoyed it at all times, but it never hit him as hard as it did now.

The melody was soft and soothing but in a melancholic way. Like a person telling himself that everything was going to be okay, although deep down he knew it wasn't.

Much like himself.

But there was still hope in him somewhere that he would get through everything no matter how hard it was on him. With the mellifluous notes of the piano keeping him company, Jimin finally felt some hope after a long week.

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