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I sighed happily as I sat in my carriage, I was finally going back home after so long. I've been married off to a pasha when I was only 13 years old, he was much older than me being 40 years old when we married, it was by an order of my father that I married, despite me being my father's favorite child he still married me off like all of my other sisters Beyhan, Sahihuban and Fatma, our sister Hatice has also been married twice to older men who died but in the end, she was able to marry for love.

My husband Mahmud Pasha died recently at the age of 55 leaving me a widow at only 28 years old, he left me with our 10 years old daughter and 5 years old son.

When we finally reached the castle after a week-long trip. I got out of the carriage smiling lightly as the warm sun hit my face, I took the two steps down until I reached the floor making sure that my maid will help the children down.

"Elmas," my mother said taking a step forward, I bowed before taking her hand into mine and placed a small kiss on the back of it before I was pulled into her arms for a hug.

"Valida I've missed you" I smiled brightly at my mother. She grinned lightly and patted my cheek softly as if I was still a child.

"Welcome back sister" Hatice my sister said earning my attention to her.

"Hatice," I said excitedly pulling her into a hug. I have missed her dearly. My younger sister was the jewel of the family and everyone adored her, we all were very conscious around her because of how sensitive she is but that didn't mean we loved her any less.

"Sultana" I smiled down at a now older Mustafa. I haven't seen him in a long time, the last time I saw my family was before my brother became a sultan many years ago.

"Oh, Mustafa you've grown" I pulled him in for a hug patting his head. He wrapped his arms my waist tightly hugging me. I'm sure he barely remembers me being only 5 when he last saw me.

"Mahidevran, how have you been?" I asked the young woman who stood in front of me.

"I just got a lot better sultana" I smiled at her answer. My feelings towards Mahidevran were mixed, she was a decent maid and concubine and mother to Mustafa but when Hürrem got into the picture it's like a switch was flipped and she changed completely so that changed my opinion of her a lot especially after I figured out who tried to poison Hürrem while she was still pregnant with a Sehzade.

"Aah, Nursah my beautiful granddaughter" I looked behind me to see my mother hugging my daughter. My daughter hugged her grandmother back tightly.

"I missed you too grandmother," Nursah said before getting out of the way so her brother can greet his grandmother.

"My dearest Ömar, I've missed you dearly," my mother said pulling Ömar up and holding him in her arms as he wrapped his smaller ones around her neck. He definitely didn't remember her being only days old when they last saw each other. My family decided to visit me as I neared giving birth to Ömer and stayed a couple of days before traveling back to Manesa where my brother was ruling at the time.

"I've missed you too grandma," he said excitedly as she placed a kiss on his forehead. I chuckled knowing he said that to not make her sad. I told him and Nursah many stories of my family and how close we were to one another.

"Let's go inside, I want to see my brother the sultan," I said earning back nods of agreement as we all walked inside of the castle. I couldn't help but feel happy as I walked back into the palace I grew up in. I finally felt safe and free from the horrible man my father made me marry.

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