Partners? ( Part 2 )

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Uraraka's Pov ( Point of View )
Walking in to the school was a little awkward since Todoroki and I stopped talking for some reason and I didn't want to jump in on Deku's and Iida's conversation so I just stayed quiet the entire time with my head down I felt eyes looking at me so I looked around until I locked eyes with Todoroki, he looked away quickly and had a slight blush on his face and so did I. We finally walk in into U.A  and head towards our class 1-A as we entered I took my seat at the other side of the class and I was greeted by Mina and Tsuyu.
"Hey Ochaco!" Tsuyu greeted me.
"Hey Uraraka..." Mina said giving me a wink.
"Hey guys! How are you today?" I asked them.
"Good and y..." Tsuyu was cut off by Mina.
"Sooo I saw you walking with Todoroki today..." Mina said with a chuckle.
"Yeah also with Iida and Deku." I added on.
"But I also saw you talk with him today." She added with a smile on her face.
"Yeah, it was a conversation just like any other person I would talk to." I also added.
"But I saw him looking at you!" She teased.
"But you're looking at me right now right?" I answered back.
"No girl! I mean in a romantic way!" Mina faceplamed her face.
"Hahahaha, Todoroki liking me?! That's a funny joke thanks for making me laugh Mina." I laughed it off but I wonder if it's actually true, I hardly think it is.

"No girl I'm serious! What if he actually likes you!" She responded
"I dunno I hardly doubt it, I mean there are hundreds of girls in this school and even more out in the world, there is no chance that Todoroki would ever like me plus there are plenty of girls who are more interesting then me."
"Okay if you say so..." Mina teased with a little chuckle.
"Alright student take your seat we're about to start the lesson today." Mr. Aizawa announced as he rolled into the classroom in his yellow sleeping bag
Everyone took their seats and Mr. Aizawa began to teach the lesson, I made sure to pay attention because this assignment seemed important.
"So today class, we're going to train our quirks for the next exam which is about in a month, I was going to assign everyone a partner but since I'm so nice I'm going to let you chose your own partners (real reason: I didn't get enough sleep last night so I'm taking a nap while you guys find your partners) Alright? So everyone pick a partner and don't bother me..." Mr. Aizawa slipped into his sleeping bag zipped it up and flopped down onto the floor behind his desk..
I was about to get up from my desk and go over to Tsuyu's desk to ask if she wanted to be my partner but someone put a hand on me as I was heading over there I turned around to see Todoroki in front of me with his hand on my shoulder.

"Oh hey Todoroki!" I smiled at him
"Hey Ochaco..." He whispered.
"Do you n... ( Wait a minute.... DID HE CALL ME OCHACO?!? )"
"Do you....Do you need anything Todoroki-Kun?"
"Umm well"
He was still putting his hand on my shoulder which kind of felt cold since the hand was on the side of his mom's quirk, Ice.
"Do you want to be my partner?" He asks me.
My face turns a little blue but he notices and he feels my forehead as it is freezing cold he then looks down at his hand which his quirk got activated so there was a little bit of frost on my shoulder.
"AH! I'M SO SORRY!" He exclaimed.
"N-no it's fine!" I reassured him as he hid hid face with his hands trying to hide the embarrassment he felt.
I grabbed his hands and put them down.
" I would love to be your partner!" I exclaimed with a bright smile.
"Great..." He answered.
"So erm when do you think we should train together?"
"After school..." He responded quickly.
"H-huh? After School, Shoto I don't think I can make it after school."
"Can you please try?" He asked I'm not sure if I heard his voice right but he kind of sounded desperate how could I say no?
"S-sure I'll try..." I said with a sigh.
"Okay..." He answered back.
We talked for a little while discussing when we would meet up for our trainings for the exam.

??? Pov
I kept staring at Uraraka admiring her beauty and perfection but seeing her hanging out with Todoroki instead of me makes me want to be in his place so bad right now, I don't know what he's up too but I think he's trying to steal her away from me, I've known her longer and now she's going with him instead of me? I have to stop this from happening before they're inseparable because that can happen any time soon...

Mr.Aizawa was surprised by the Bell and shot straight up from the floor causing him to hit his head on the bottom of the desk.
"Oww....Class Dismissed...." Mr.Aizawa struggled to say.
"I guess that means it's lunchtime." I say.
"Yeah I guess so..." Todoroki responded.
We both walked out of the classroom together.
"I'll be right back you go on without me." He said.
"Oh okay, I'll meet you at the cafeteria."
He ran off before I knew it, I was walking down in the hallway to the cafeteria when I heard someone call my name over and over again I turn around and I see Deku and Iida walking towards me.
"Hey Uraraka! Wait up!" Deku said trying to catch up.
" Oh hey Deku!" I exclaimed waving my hand to greet him.
"So I see your partners with todoroki huh?" Iida asked.
"Yeah, I honestly didn't expect it is thought he would go with Momo or someone since they're good friends."
"Mm-hhhmm..." Deku mummers to himself.
"This is all kind of random, I mean ever since you two met you guys would barley talk to each other and now all of a sudden he wants to be partners?" Deku blurted out.
"Aww Deku, is someone jealous?" I asked teasing him.
A slight shade of pink came to his face.
"Me? Jealous? Of Todoroki?! I would never!" Deku assured himself.
"I'm just kidding Deku, now c'mon let's go eat I'm starving! Todoroki's going to meet us at the cafeteria." I exclaimed with a grumbling stomach

Todoroki's all nice to her all of a sudden?! Somethings off but I'm not sure what it is yet....

Oof hi guys this chapter was kind of rushed a little since I want to try to get as many good chapters in as I can before my schedule gets pretty busy, I have online classes I still need to do all day plus assignments but luckily my sports are canceled so I don't have to worry about those if they weren't canceled my schedule would be a disaster but still I have a lot of stuff I need to do since I'm in Girl Scouts and I'm the president of one of the clubs at my school so I still need to arrange everything for next year and im also in student council sooo...yeah pretty busy schedule so far I'm sorry if this chapter didn't make sense I'll try to improve but I'm just so BUSY!
Have an awesome day/night
Word count: 1,280 words

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