Lunch Break ( Part 3 )

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Uraraka's Pov ( Point of View )
"Hey Deku-Kun let's grab this table by the windows." I exclaimed since usually the tables by the windows are always taken.
"Alright, one of us has to sit down here or else someone will take the table away." Iida recommended.

"I'll sit here Iida, you two can get your food first." I pronounced.
"Are you sure Uraraka? I can always stay here and wait." Deku responded a little concerned.
"It's alright Deku I'm fine waiting here for a little while." I Remarked.
"Perfect! Then let's get our lunch so we don't keep you waiting Uraraka." Iida Assured.

The two walked away with their trays as I quickly sat down waiting for them to come back.
"Hmm I wonder where Todoroki is? He's been gone for awhile now." I thought to myself.

Todoroki's Pov
"What do you want Bakugo?" I asked a bit annoyed.
" I saw you gawking at Uraraka in and out of class, you have some nerve to do something like that!" Bakugo threatened.
"What's that suppost to mean?" I asked.
"Do have some silly little crush on her?" He taunted at me.
"No, she's a friend." I responded.

"Well it sure didn't look like it!" He yelled in my face.
"So listen up pepermint! You're going to stay as far away from her as possible and if you don't there'll be a price to pay." He hooted as sparks from his hands started to light up.
"Why? Do you have a silly little crush on her? So that way she doesn't fall for me?" I smirked.

"WHAT THE FU*K DO YOU MEAN YOU BAST*RD?!?! I DON'T HAVE A CRUSH ON ROUND FACE!? NOW THAT'S JUST STUPID!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs so the whole hallway echoed of his yelling.
"Calm down, your a teenaged boy, stop acting like a baby." I answered calmly.
"Ok sure I get it, can I get my water now?" I asked annoyed
( I came here to get a bottle of water from the vending machine but instead I got a angry Bakugo raging at me.)

Uraraka's Pov
It was all normal noise with everyone chattering in the cafeteria until everyone heard a yell coming from the hallways and everyone stopped talking for a moment
"Eh, it's probably Bakugo having another tantrum again." Kamanari teased from the other table.

"What is that, the fifth one day?" Jiro asked with a blank expression.
"I'm going to go see what up with him...again." Kirishima replied as he got up from his table and ran to the hallways.
(Should I find out what's going on? But then someone might take our table...or should I?)

I was in a train of thought until I saw Iida and Deku walking towards me with their trays, perfect they can sit down and I can go see what's happening.
" Hey guys!" I said running to them on their way over here.
"So umm... I have to umm... go to.... the toilet! Yeah that's it I'll be right back!" I told them as I ran off into the other direction.

" Hmm...." Thought Deku with a confused expression as he sat down.
Iida looked his expression on his face and then at me running off into the other direction.
"Admit it Midoriya, you're at least a little jealous of Todoroki..."Iida told him.
"H-how did you?"

" It's very obvious by your facial expressions." Iida admit.
"Well its just...Iida I think I'm starting to like Uraraka not as a friend but more then that but I just feel like Todoroki is standing in the middle of all that. At first I wasn't really worried since the two didn't really talk that much they're partners and they'll have more opportunities to hang out with each other, I want to be a good friend to Todoroki but I feel like he's just invading." Deku explained.
"I see...." Iida replied scratching his chin.
"A part of me wants to be a little selfish and have her all to myself." Deku added on.

I just want what's best for her...

I know I'm not suppost to run though the hallways but I really wanted to know what all that yelling was about, Kamanari is probably right it's probably just Bakugo yelling at something he doesn't even need to yell at at all and he's just having a tantrum right? Nope apparently not this time, I peak around the corner and instead he's yelling at Todoroki but I don't know why. I walked up to Kirishima who was also there and the both of us looking at our friend with confused expressions .

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