~ A Day With The Psycho ~

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Jimins Pov.

I woke up with a chest in my face, groaning and reaizing it wasnt a dream but reality. I stirred around and trying to free his grip on my waist, successfully doing it and getting up.

Looking down at him and quietly left the room,  running down the halls and stairs case

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Looking down at him and quietly left the room,  running down the halls and stairs case. When I was finally down, the mansions living room greeted me. I walked around the house and found the main door, running to it and only noticing that there is a passcode and eye scan.

Authors Pov.

Making the younger irritated and was about to head upstairs when arms wrapped around his waist and a cold breath on his neck.

"Morning princess, what are you doing here?" asked Yoongi while trailing kissed up and down his neck.

Making the younger week and lean his head for more, damn you Jimin for being week! Scolded Jimin to himself as he let Yoongi continue.

"I wanted to eat breakfast, I got lost sorry" mumbled Jimin and leaned in for more.

The older turning him around and connected their lips in a kiss, Jimin suddenly forgot about everything and kissed back.

Wrapping his arms around his neck and legs around Yoongis waist, the older dragging them on the couch and sat down

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Wrapping his arms around his neck and legs around Yoongis waist, the older dragging them on the couch and sat down. Jimin ontop of him.

Yoongis hands reach down and squeezed his ass, the younger moaning at the feeling and started to grind his hips down. Creating friction that had both of them moaning.

The younger pulled away, Yoongi making a new set of hickeys on his neck and chest as Jimin continued to grind his hips.

The two continued their make out but stopped when their lips was swollen and tired, Yoongi decide to make some food while Jimin stayed their.

Noticing at the loptop on the table and opened it, suprised that there was no password. Jimin looked on the files and found many pictures of him and AgustD victims.

The younger started to gag and closed the laptop, exact time as Yoongi came back and ate their foods.

Jimin was still traumatized but kept it cool and ate, forgeting what he saw and cuddled with Yoongi.

They decide to watch some movie on netflix but fell asleep after three movies, they were both cuddled to eachother while sleeping peacefully.

If you would look at them, you would think they look cute as a couple but both hearts dosent beat as the same.

The other beating beautifully and the other with venom, making the two opposite in everyway.

Like a one sided love.

One sided love.


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