~ Story Time ~

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Authors Pov.

After the hot shower scene that happend early in the morning, to early as Jimin said.

The two lovers decide to take a stroll on their garden, as per the Queens request. It was certified that the Queens favorite place in the castel was the garden, and being in coma for a year sure made the Queen miss it dearly.

"C'mon Yoonie hurry up, I really wanna see the pomagranet I planted last year"

Jimin dragged the older by his hand and fast-walked to the way of the garden, while Yoongi- the lazy King he is let the younger be and lazy tried to catch up at him.

"I know I know baby, were right there slow down. We might trip if you do so"

"Yeah bu-"

The Queens sentence was cutt off by two boys yelling over at the end of the bridge.


Jihoon was waving both of his hands while the older of the twins, Jiyoon was shouting at their parents to get their attention.


Jimin looked at the twins and a sigh left his mouth. So much for trying to spend time with his husband.

"Great. No more private time with you" grumbled Jimin.

Yoongi chuckled and circled one of his arms on the youngers waist, making their way at yhe end of the bridge and whispering at Jimins ear.

"Let them be baby, there gonna leave us alone after this dont worry. Plus their are sons, they need our love and attention to"


"Boys please just leave me and your dad for a while, I promise to spend time with you after this ans tuck you to bed"

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"Boys please just leave me and your dad for a while, I promise to spend time with you after this ans tuck you to bed"

Jimin reasoned to the twins who didnt want to leave their parents, it has been five minutes since this started.

And all Yoongi did was seat at one of the chairs and watch them argue, damn he should have brought popcorn.

"But mom! You and dad always say this yet you guys still dont have time for us, its like your lying but its a white lie" Jiyoon whined as they still havent give up on letting their parents have time with each other.

"But sweetheart please, I promise I will spend time with you please? For mom and dad?" Jimin pleaded to the twins.


The younger sighed and looked back at Yoongi who was sitting and watching it all, giving him a pout and doe eyes. And who was Yoongi to say no to that, no one.

So with a sigh the older stood up, making his way on the twins and patting their shoulders.

"Boys why dont you leave me and your mom for a while? I promise to spend time with you and you're mom later"

The twins pouted and lowered their heads, not wanting their dad to scold more.

"Boys" the King said in a threatening tone.

"Okay dad" the two finally gave up and agreed.

"Good boys, now go to you're room. Me and you're mom are gonna be there later"

Jihoon and Jiyoon nodded and bid their goodbye, walking out of the garden.


Jimin said after a moment of silence, wrapping his amrs on the older neck and giving his cheeks and lips a peck.

"Thank you Yoonie"

The King smiled.

"Welcome petal"

The Queen pulled away and started to wonder around the palace garden, checking on the pomagranet he planted last year.

Squealing when he saw that it grew, taking a mental note to start planting strawberrys and peaches next time.

The younger passed by a small field of tulips, pink tulips to be exact. His favorite.

Jimin picked one stem and leveled it on his eyes, admiring the flower.

And oddly enough it reminded something for Jimin.

"Ah! Yoongi Im gonna tell you something. I forgot to tell you this yesterday as I couldnt remember it, but now im gonna tell you. Come here quick!"

Jimin sat down at one of the chairs and waited for Yoongi to sit as well, grinning at his crazily for some odd reason.

"So what do you wanna tell me petal?"

The Queen fiddled for a moment before answering.

"You see when I uhh umm, when I was in coma I dreamt of something..?" Jimin hesitantly said.

At the answer the older became interested at the topic.

"And what did you dreamt of baby?"

"Well this may seem weird but I dreamt about us"

"Okay..? And what may seem weir about if darling?"

"Well you see in my dream we were- we were different persons, like in my dream I was a cafe worker at Jin hyungs cafe- suprisingly it was one of the most popular cafe at Seoul and South korea. And you- you were a psychopath, I know you wont belive me but its true."

The King was confused and acctually found it funny.

"Are you serious baby? How did it ended? How did it started?"

"It started when you became obssed about me and I didnt accept it and I escaped bacause you 'kidnapped' me and all, then I had stockholm syndrom only to know it was true love then I got back at you and you didnt want me this time so you decide to let go but I pushed further and eventually we both a couple and- well started doing couple things"

Jimin blushed at the last sentence, remembering that they had sex on his dream.

"Okay but how did it ended?"

"It- it ended with me being shot by the police in accident and you shooting yourself, and oddly the shot was at my chest. The one that had a scar on it since birth and you at the scar on your head"

"Yoonie thats weird right?"

The older thought for a moment before shrugging his shoulders, leaning in and placing a peck on Jimins nuckles.

"I dont know petal, I mean yeah it is weird but maybe that dream was our past life y'know. And I think its a blessing"

Jimin nodded and smiled.

"Thats good, my psycho King"

"Psycho King?" Yoongi laughed.


"Well then that good to, my cute cafe Queen"

And the two bursted in laughter.


"What do you think their talking about Yoon Yoon?"

"Sshh keep it down Ji Ji, they might hear us"

"But still Jiyoon hyung! I wanna know!"

"Ssshhh! Shut your mouth Jihoon if you dont want my dick to be shoved up on you're mouth"

"Where did you learn that hyung?"

"From dad now shut up!"

Jihoon and Jiyoon: Im inoccenzt😂 .

Next chapter is the sequel, im crying y'all. Please comment and vote. Thank you💜

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