Chapters 1 to 13

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Once upon a time, in a land far, far away,

There was a country, of creatures born of light.

Very much like humans, they had four limbs,

pale skin and white wings on their backs.

But one day,

their kingdom fell under a siege,

and the once bright, kingdom floating high up in the sky,

fell and crumbled into dust.

The king's consort gathered every last strength in her,

and in the last of her army,

to summon a gate

that will lead her one and only daughter to safety.

To a land where no harm could reach her

To a land, where her dear homeland does not exist.

She's been having this dream every night, for quite a while now.

In her dream, she's running. Pitch black, she couldn't see where to, or why. All she knew was that she needed to run. But no matter how fast she went, or how much she shouted for help, she can't escape the oblivion, trapped in an eternal cycle, cursed to run forever. With every step, she's growing more and more, weary.

Until, finally, she heard a voice.

"Freyja!" it said.

Was it calling her?

"What do you want to do?"

STAGE ONE: My Name is Freyja

The thirteen year old girl's opened her eyes. She was breathing heavily for some reason. Her knees and hands trembling. Every time she woke up from that dream, she'd find herself in cold sweat and short of breath in her room—except for this one time, where she found herself in a place far from what she expected to see.

Her heart pounded, realizing she's not where she's supposed to be. Surrounded by trees, thick vines, there's no one in sight except for startled rodents she has never seen before, running away from her. This is far from the peach-walled room she fell asleep in.

"Somebody!" She cried in panic. Gigantic trees, tall grasses, pointy rocks and thick vines... Hoping it's part of her dream, she slapped herself again and again, only to find herself in the same forest. She stood up, frantically running around in her mud-covered pajamas. Her black, shoulder length hair dancing with the wind as she breezed through the seemingly unending forest on her bare feet.

Feet covered in scrapes, the girl frantically ran and ran until finally, found a group of five hooded men. These men appeared to be searching for something, looking around just as attentively as she was.

"HEY! Over here!" Waving her hand, she shouted her lungs out. "Help me!" She ran to them as fast as she could, ignoring her bleeding feet.

"A girl wearing strange clothing..." One of them sees her.

"Excuse me! Can you help me!?" She asked. "I am lost, actually." She explained in between short breaths. "Please, how can I go back to—"

The hooded men looked at each other and nodded. They then, without hesitations, drew their swords out and pointed them at her.

Celestial Saga: Exiled to EarthWhere stories live. Discover now