Chapters 32-34

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STAGE THIRTY TWO: Kirin's Bride?

Kirin, Alaric and Freyja quietly waited in the mansion's living room, tension in the air, waiting for the butler's mistress to come out and greet them. After half an hour of waiting, finally, the butler announced his lady's appearance.

Freyja's jaw dropped. What came to greet them was a tall, gorgeous young woman with bright blonde curls and long, slim legs. She elegantly walked down the stairs in a purple velvet gown. With a radiant smile on her face, she ran to embrace Kirin. "Lord Kirin! I'm so happy!" But he shoved her off right away. Kirin suspiciously glared at her, more intensely than he usually does. "Now what are you planning? Reveal my location?" His voice was cautiously cold.

"Not a chance!" She exclaimed, teary eyed. "You know I will never ever betray you!"

Freyja can't help but stare at the picturesque lady. Noticing her, Kristril shifted her eyes to Freyja. "Is she your handmaid?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, and was even more agitated when Freyja reached for Kirin's sleeve out of reflex. "It's rude to get clingy to someone else's fiancé, you know."

"F-F-Fiance!?" She jumped away from Kirin, hands in the air.

Freyja was too shocked to even ask. "I'm sorry!"

"Why are you apologizing!?" Kirin gently hit her head with a chop.

"I'm her guardian. Don't speak that way to her." Kirin cautined before turning to Freyja once more. "She's lying, she's only calling herself my fiancé. And Kristril, just to let you know, I have severed my ties with the Aethelmaer clan. Go and marry Ahrin or Keon." Just as when Kirin was about to turn his back to her, Kristril ran to him and hugged him from behind. "I love you Kirin!"

Her bold confession rendered everyone in the room speechless—except Kirin. He sighed, and smirked.

"You 'love' me? Did you also say that to my father when you tried to seduce him?" He yanked her hands off him. But Kristril had a few more tricks under her sleeve. She refused to let go, and instead, whispered tempting words in his ear. "I know everything about the girl your father wants to kill." Kirin froze. "But I am sure you don't want her to hear the details. You know that my loyalty is with you and I can help you." She continued. "Just stay here for a couple of days, that's all I ask."

Kirin suppressed his trembling fists. He can tell she's up to something, but at the same time, the information bargain was too tempting to let go. After getting Aria, they are back to being clueless as to the location of the other Celestial guardians. "Let's talk in private." He whispered back.

"We're staying here for a couple of days." Kirin said before going up the stairs with Kristril.

Watching Kirin leave with Kristril worried Freyja that she tried to follow them. However, the butler stopped her. "Miss, Lord Kirin and Lady Kristril have something important to talk about. Let me lead you to your rooms." Freyja was about to protest when Alaric took her hand. "Kirin knows what he's doing, let's trust his plans." Alaric explained, calming the girl down. "You're right, he'll be fine."

The old butler smiled before interrupting. "Lady Kristril's devotion to Lord Kirin is undying. She won't do anything that will harm him. She loved him since they were children, please trust her."

"I see." Freyja forced herself to smile, but Alaric saw through it. They followed the old butler to the mansion's third floor and into the guest room. Knowing that despite the Lady's claim of loyalty to Kirin, they are still in the Aethelmaer clan's territory. Both Alaric and Freyja were well aware that Freyja is in an even greater danger than Kirin.

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