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Guinevere was the name of the woman who survived numerous bullets but is it also the name of the woman who can survive reality?

I closed my eyes as the cold breeze slightly hit my face, the few strands of hair that was fixed behind my ear swayed in unison to the movement of the air.

I took it and put it back behind my ear, when my eyes opened, my vision was greeted with the tall and handsome Nigel. How manly at the same time soft his expression was. As he took his steps towards me, the wind blew again, and I intentionally closed my eyes.

Everything flashed back again, the past that I lived in before Nigel came and brought color in it, making me realize the beauty of loving and life.


At the age of 15 I lost my parents, the plane they were riding was hijacked, the culprit was still unknown by that time, but I bet it was one of their enemies if we talked about business.

I was taken to an orphanage since I was not yet allowed to inherit our properties, some of our business completely fell apart because no one was able to handle it. Someone adopted me, I was kinda happy because I'll be able to go out now, it was so suffocating inside because none of the kids there was the same as my vibe, that mature soul inside a body of a kid? That's me.

I thought everything would be just fine, until I knew that the ones who adopted me were also the ones who were behind my parent's death, and they did not adopted me to be taken care of, they adopted me because they wanted to use me, to stand as my guardian and take over all of the company which were left behind.

That wasn't the end, the couple were both psychopaths. Each night, they would visit me at the basement where I stayed, the four walls of that room witnessed all the torture and immoral things that they did to me, they would cut me, beat me, press cigarette butts against my skin, and even raped me. I knew there was no hope for me or so I thought.

One night, I was cold and weak because of the session of torture, I was really waiting for my death, I knew I couldn't last any longer because of  how severe my injuries were. But before I could close my eyes, I heard sounds of guns firing, like upstairs was a battlefield, I remained still and waited what would happen next, until someone knocked the door out of the basement, It was a guy, he quickly ran towards me and checked on me. 

He took his jacket off and put it on me, his expression was sharp, he was mad, "Son of a bitch."  was the first sentence that came out of his mouth the moment he saw me. He carried me and took me outside hell, at that time, I didn't really cared who he was because I was hopeless. But he was no enemy at all, he took care of me, he helped me rebuild my life and strengthen my name, he taught me how to fight, use guns, and even deciding. 

After 5 years, I was able to take the companies, now, legally under my name. Everything was going smooth until something did not felt right, Nigel grew colder and colder as time passed by. I confronted him. I brought a handgun with me if ever I would be in need to let a bullet be used. I entered his office one night, he was signing a couple of papers.

"Something's off with you lately."

I told him, My question quickly caught his attention, he slowly raised his head and turned to look at me.

"Get out."

He said and tried to go back to what he was doing a while ago, but I knew he can't focus now.

"You're not gonna betray me, are you?"

Again, he raised his head slowly. He seriously looked at me for a minute until he pulled his drawer. He took out a long piece of paper.

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