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Archer woke up early to try and get in a morning run. It was 6am so her 'parents' weren't up yet. She quickly got dressed, grabbed some money for a coffee, and stretched out.

She took one last check around to make sure Niccola and James wouldn't wake up anytime soon, before sneaking out of the front door.

The cold morning air sent a chil through her spine. Running in the cold wasn't technically good for you but it helped her to wake up. She set her watch to time how fast she was (you never know when you have to be on the run) and set off at a brisk pace.

Archer didn't like to sprint so she only jogged the 5k. It wasn't far but going for a run can help people take their minds off things.

She ran down the street before reaching the road the Avengers base was on. Never had she been inside, but she would always stop and marvel at the architecture. It was a simple design but probably held the most advanced technology in the world.

Every so often Archer would see a young woman atop the roof. They would wave and half say stuff in sign language. It wasn't always very clear but they would exchange pleasantries and then they would go their separate ways. It was a weird sort of friendship. Neither knew who the other was or anything about each other but is good to talk just say hi to someone once in a while.

Wanda sat on the roof as the sun rose at a steady pace. The morning views were always beautiful, especially in the early days of April when cherry blossoms were starting to emerge from their slumber and the sounds of chirping birds could be heard constantly, acting as a natural white noise machine.

She peered over the edge and saw a young woman running down the path. She stopped and looked to the roof and waved to the Maximoff girl. She waved back smiling. No normal person would be up at 6am running through the streets of New York. She laughed, imagining herself trying to do that every other day. The mystery girl continued on her run, staring at the building as she went. Funny to think I may never have a real conversation with her. At this point in time, Wanda didn't know just how wrong she was.

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