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Archer waved goodbye to the girl on the roof and continued to run down the street. As she ran she admired the structure of the building and its attention to detail. It was truly a something to marvel at.

When she neared the coffee shop she heard some shuffling comming from an alley. There were two people; a man holding something to a smaller boys head. It was most likely a gun but Archer had dealt with this type before. It was very unlikely that the young man would use his weapon of choice but there was still a chance she could get seriously hurt.

Thankfully the young girl always carried her buff. She put it on and pulled up her hood. It wasn't the best disguise but it worked. "Hey, what's going down there?" She called, trying to sound at least a bit intimidating. The man turned around to reveal a ginger mop of hair with a drunken smirk on his face. Poor kid must be terrified, thought the young vigilante. The young blond boy did indeed look very shaken. He, however, had a determined look in his eyes that Archer understood well. It was the look of someone who was trying protect someone or something they loved. The thing that made Archer even more fueled to fight was the little girl cowering behind him. She couldn't have been older that 4 or 5, the boy perhaps 7? They looked far too young to be in a fight with someone like him. "You got no business down 'ere!" He called, his words sluring as he staggered away from the two children. "Whatever they did, they didn't mean it. Just put the gun down and we can all walk away without blood being being shed," Archer reasoned, taking a cautious step closer. He simply laughed.

Wanda had-had enough of being stuck inside the compound. She decided, inspired by the running girl, to go out. Just for a cup of coffee. It wouldn't do any harm. She grabbed her signature red leather jacket and black combat boots before leaving the compound and following the path if the runner.

She walked along the road for a few minutes before seeing a small coffee shop. Before she could reach it however, she heard some voices eminating from a nearby alley. The voices sounded aggressive. All I wanted was a nice cup of coffee.

Archer stood in front the drunken man in an offensive position, ready to fight if necessary. "This 'ere lass thought she could just walk into me and ge' away wiv it!" He shouted gesturing to the girl.
"I don't want anyone here to hurt," Archer reasoned again, taking a dangerous step closer. This only made the man grin, showing all 5 of his ugly yellow and black teeth. She grimaces at the site. I'll never be able to easy junk food again, she thought. The man raised the gun and aimed it at her chest. "Night night girlie," he said cruelly.

The gun fired. Thankfully, Archer managed to divert it ever so slightly with her telekinesis. Unfortunately it still pierced her left side. She cried out in pain as her vision swam in and out of focus. Everything was blurry for moment. Archer forced herself to focus on staying conscious. It was at this point she realised the children were gone. So was the drunk man. But who had gotten rid of them? She roled over onto her right side to see a medium height woman (but looked liked a giant in Archer's unfocused state). The woman was breathing hard and almost shaking. Summoning all the remaining energy she had left, Archer created a small flame in her hand and threw it towards the woman's feet. It caught her attention and she whirled around to see a half dead teenager covering her face with a cheap buff.

To Wanda, it didn't even crack the top ten strangest things she'd seen. But it did worry her. The girl had clearly lost alot of blood already and an ambulance would take to long to arrive. She called the only person capable of helping.

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