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Archer slowly opened her eyes to the blinding white lights. She blinked to allow them to adjust. Around her were rows of clean pristine hospital beds, each with it's own lamp and set of draws.

She sat up slowly, wincing at the pain in her left side. Archer looked around and noticed four cameras; one in each corner of the room. She thought; where am I? She knew that if she wanted to escape she would have to cast an illusion. Concentrating, she hid herself and projected a picture-perfect illusion of herself lying back down to sleep. Silently she crept out of the bed and towards the double glass doors.

The hall was silent. Not a single footstep could be heard. She kept herself invisible just in case there were hidden cameras. In the distant she could hear a soft breeze. If it was a door she could make a run for it. If it was a balcony she could use her fire to slow the fall.

The source of the noise, was in fact a window. The bad news was that a meeting was taking place in the same room. If Archer wanted to get out she would have to be sneaky. She couldn't quite recall the other days events but she knew that some people had taken her. She didn't know where but she was desperate to leave as soon as possible.

Thankfully the door was open so she was able to slip in unnoticed. She slowly tiptoed around the group, careful not to make any noise. It was at this point, mere feet away from freedom, that the person next to her stepped backed. Both ket out a small gasp and instantly the entire room was armed to the teeth. Weapons ranged from small guns to giant hammers. Then she realised who the people were and where she was. These were the Avengers and she was in their base.

She dropped the illusion not wanting to have to fight them. "Told you, didn't I Bruce?" Said a woman in an odd accent. A man with black hair roled his eyes at the comment. She vaguely recognised them as the people from the other day. She had been rescued by The Avengers. When reality finally hit home, she sunk to the floor trying to comprehend all that was happening. She had been shot, rescued by The Avengers, and was now in front of them all on the floor.

Taking a deep breath she stood up. "Why am I here?" She asked firmly.
"You don't know? You don't remeber what you did?" Asked the black haired man, who she recognised as Bruce Banner. "Oh. That. Yeah. I umm...I remember that, what I did. What I've been able to do for 7 years," she pointed out. A blond man, Steve Rogers,  raised his eyebrows in slight shock. "Wait, so you've had powers for seven years? And somehow we didn't know about it until now? How?" Asked a woman with the accent. Archer new she had seen the Scarlet Witch's face somewhere before. Instead of wanting to seem rude and just stare she answered the question. "The trick is, don't give yourself to much publicity. Just go in, fight, get out, take off your mask and report them to the local police station," she explained. Then it hit her. "You're the girl on the roof!" She blurted out accidentally.

All eyes turned to Wanda to see her reaction. Her yes went wide for second before she realised who the girl before her was. The running girl. "So I have kinda known you for about five months and only now I know who you are? Huh..." she said as her brows knitted together. "Wait, you two know each other?" Asked Tony.
"Yes. Sort of. Often when I'm on the roof I see a girl running. We try to communicate in sign language but it doesn't work that well. So yeah, we are acquaintances," Wanda explained. The room fell silent, as if they were all trying to put together a puzzle that was missing a piece. Archer waited for a reaction but none came. "So can I go now?" She asked. The Avengers looked at her like she had pointed at the sofa and said she would clear the table. "Is that yes?" She asked, hopeful to get out. The Avengers stood in silence. "Wait here," Tony demanded. The group left the room and a stunned Archer behind.

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