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"Harry, we've got to go to the prefect compartment." Hermione said, gesturing to herself and Ron. . Astoria and Ginny had already left to a compartment of their own, and the twins went to find Lee. "We'll come find you after the meeting, yeah?"

"Alright." He waved.

Elara nudged him. "Coming with us then?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Shall we?"

"We shall." Daphne smiled at her before leading the way forward, with the others behind her. She stopped in the Slytherin section and opened the door to one of the compartments. "Hello everyone!"

Elara walked in after her and smiled when she saw that the Zabini's were already there. But beside them was Draco. He stood when he saw her, and she hugged him tightly. "Hey."


"I see you missed me."


Harry walked in after her and greeted everyone before sitting down beside Draco. "You don't usually sit with us." The platinum haired boy looked confused.

"Ron and Hermione got prefect." Harry explained. "They have the meeting."

Draco's eyes widened. "Prefect! Shit! I have to go to the meeting!" The boy stood and ran from the compartment.

"Draco got bloody prefect?" Elara asked, eyes wide. "Fuck yes! I can get away with everything!"

"Of course that's what you'll do. Take advantage of the poor boy." Bianca rolled her eyes.

"Don't act like you won't do the same."

"Of course I will."

The train began moving, and after an hour or so Draco turned up again, this time followed by Ron and Hermione. "Sure you want to be seen with us, Draco? We might be considered bad influences on you." Elara grinned when his cheeks flushed.

"Shut up, El." He rolled his eyes before sitting down beside Harry. "I don't know why they chose me for prefect. Snape knows who I hang out with."

"You're like uncle Moony. He was prefect, even though he was best friend with Dad and uncle James. They were the troublemakers, and he was the good one. But he still caused trouble. I suppose they thought he might be able to stop them. Didn't work so well, did it? He proper messed up, because they made uncle James Head Boy."

"Did they actually?" Hermione asked, eyes wide. "Harry, I didn't know your dad was Head Boy!"

"I didn't know either." Harry furrowed his eyebrows.

"Uncle James was never prefect, suppose that wasn't a requirement to be Head Boy. Everyone was very shocked, but then who wouldn't be. James Potter was a troublemaker. Just so happens that aunt Lily was Head Girl, but that was expected because she was prefect and basically the best candidate from what my father said. She was perfect Head Girl material. That's when they started getting closer, because Heads share a dorm." Elara explained.

"So, my mother was an angel, and my father was a troublemaker."

"Basically. Uncle James was also Quidditch Captain."

"He was?"


"Draco, who's the other prefect?"

"Pansy fucking Parkinson." The boy rolled his eyes.

"Excuse me?" Elara sat up straight, eyes wide. "NO! ABSOLTELY NOT! WHAT THE FUCK!" She looked at Theodore and Bianca. "I'm dead."

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